"Scroll Buttons! Never looked so good! Scrolling up and down like you knew they would"

Apr 08, 2006 13:34


When someone mentions the phrase "The good ol' days", many would assume that it was a time in a person's life was simpler. Like elementary school. Back when sleeping was mandatory and the biggest task at hand was spelling your name without writing the letters backwards or upside down. (If you got that down pat, you were considered a genius) Back when a dollar was a lot and 10 was a fortune and the biggest decision in your life was whether your halloween costume should be a princess or a bloody zombie ex wife.
But like the change of seasons and the paying of taxes, growing up is inevitable. So increases the stress, decisions, and problems. Middle School hits and the desks get smaller, the homework a little more, and drama happens. High School's next, desks are still shrinking, homework is a load, old drama never dies and new drama enters. On top of that you're building a resume for college. Will you take the AP route or are you going to wing it? ACTs or SATs? How many extra-curricular activities? GPA? So many classes which ones to take?

After all that huffing and puffing of getting into college, you enter a world where fees are ungodly high and the desks are a 2x4 inch scrap of wood that you have to somehow manage to write on. (Actually probably to see if you're smart enough to find out the best way to utilize the desk) The courses that are offered are endless from witchcraft to microbiology, from how to act to interpretative dance. What to pick? What to choose?
Most importantly... "What's your major?" This phrase is used as often as pickup lines from drunk frat boys. What do you love so much that you are willing to spend as much as the amount you would pay to buy a foreign country?
Many are lost when choosing, many think that they have found something only to resort to changing it three times over.

Even when you do choose and go to declare you feel like you're getting married.. Not the happy kind of married... more like the 'Crap you're the only one that's alive on Earth so..." ok. maybe it's not that dramatic.. more like.. "Crap... I like you but what if there's something better?" Ha. You fidget while you sign the papers: initial here, sign here, check here, date here, give blood here. When the administrator signs it, you say I do, and leave the building in a daze. but do not fret, like a marriage, you can divorce your major. So that's a relief.

But don't flirt with many majors, you might be referred to as the concentrations slut.. and those administration ladies are gossipy old bags.

(The End)

Well, long story short, I declared my Spanish major yesterday. One more to go. I guess I'm committing polygamy? Spanish and Biology... AT THE SAME TIME!
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