Oct 31, 2005 15:54
Today was good. Caitlyn's birthday today. Holy crap she's 16??
Today was also random. Flowus in the pratice room. Cell field trip. Combat Ready Russel(l). Me cutting my hair and going as a 5-year old. The entire bus singing "A Whole New World" (seriously, EVERYBODY has secretly learned the lyrics at one point. Including you) and then using it as a threat (DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES!). Good day overall.
last kiss: thursday
last cigarette: never
last good cry: when chris's dad died
last library book checked out: never
last movie seen in a theatre: flightplan. quality cinematic experience
last cuss word uttered: hell
last beverage drank: gatorade. which is really stupid. because then i'll get sores.
last food consumed: an otis spunkenmeyer cookie. also quality.
last phone call: probably caitlyn
last tv show watched: Family Guy. Better than whatever you watched. And I'm sure someone's going to post in defense of Desperate Housewives. But no. Family Guy is better.
last shoes worn: The ones I'm wearing now. Generic tennis shoes.
last cd played: I haven't played a CD in forever, any CD i get goes straight to my iPod
last item bought: Lunch.
last thing downloaded: RED VS BLUE
last annoyance: Um...something I'd rather not post. Long story.
last disappointment: That I don't get to spend enough time with Caitlyn on her BDAY
last soda drank: pepsi. uic needs to get coke. WHAT THE FUCK
last ice cream eaten: Don't remember.
last time trippin on drugs?: Never
last time in love: Right now
last time hugged: Yesterday? Definitely on Saturday but I dunno after that.
last shirt worn: Blue shirt with a button shirt like unbuttoned over it
last time dancing: Homecoming, barely
1 MINUTE AGO: I was talking to Nikki
1 HOUR AGO: I was in a cell (in class field trip thingy. cool but weird.)
1 DAY AGO: Was Sunday. And I was eating dinner right now.
1. What do you most like about your body? Eyes? Maybe hair.
2. And least? Smile, teeth, sores, mouth area in general.
3. How many fillings do you have? None
4. Do you think you're good looking? Sometimes. More often than before.
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? Yes they do.