Jan 02, 2005 20:14
hey everyone..i havent wrote in this in awhile..i had the best new year weekend ever..thursday i left with missy and gilbert to go to liberty, and that was like 3 hrs in the car..then we got there and i hung out with gilberts bro, and me and him talked and had fun..then friday we went to the mall and i finally got to meet clifton..yay!!! but he was acting like a jerk that day, but then that night me and him went to go get some more fireworks, he is a good driver, but yea well he aologized which was sweet, and he opend the door..it was cute..well gilberts guy friends came over that night, and stayed over till like 1, then saturday i hung out with gilbert and missy in the morning, and i bought then lunch and gilbert drove me around, then later that day i hung out with clifton and we had alot of fun, and hes till opend the door for me it was so sweet, and we held hands and stuff...then sunday i went to church and then i came home...well that was my awsome weekend..well hope yalls weekend was as awsome as mine..love yall