Pennsic Dueling society?!?! This is an AWESOME idea! I am definitely going to participate! Although I may have to keep a second “on tap”. Lord knows I have difficulty keeping my mouth shut. I wonder how long I will last? (laugh) This really is a very cool idea. The only problem is, I don’t have appropriate garb, but….. Maybe they will let a 14C mafia guy slip in just this once…
This is cool enough to add to my dance card. I have been trying to limit my planned activities this year, so that I have time to just goof off and be spontaneous… So far, all I have committed to is:
1. All the war point battles (of course)
2. The Rapier war point battles (of course)
3. The Storming of La Rochelle
4. The Combat of the Thirty
5. The Crusaders Vs. Saracen’s battle.
6. The Battle of Hastings.
7. A deed of arms with the Honorable Doctor Ken Mondschein, Research fellow at the Higgins Armory Museum.
8. Quality time talking with pretty girls.
9. (now) This Pennsic Dueling society thing. Hehe.
That’s it! I’ll have lots of time for sleeping, fighting pickups, drinking mint tea at YiV, playing some music, all kinds of things!!
Sigh. Who am I kidding…