Last night I went over to Brian's for some more practice. We worked on Giocco Stretta stuff, and came to some simple conclusions. The problem we are perceiving is that in Giocco Larga I am starting to make it work. All this time in armor lately doing the things over and over have started to pay some real dividends. But when I get into close play, I revert back to playing the typical SCA game. (well, as typical as I ever do. laugh)
The inherent strategic problem is that there are too many variables to the "sca game" version of giocco stretta, and it is not strategically sound. It's too even a playing field. The principle of a system is that all things should lead to a definite advantage. Just like Long play, it should be an very short decision tree, and a very tight O.O.D.A loop.
I think we came up with some good observations based on the bolognese stuff. We will do some more work on them to see how they will pan out, but I am excited about them.
we also worked on something that is seriously lacking in my game, which is immediacy. He had a couple drills in mind that we worked through, and I think they will be beneficial. It is hard to quantify in words, but a cut should be "pure", committed, and explosive. I think if these things are lacking a significant piece is missing.
I feel a little bit as if I am learning to fight all over again. Everything is getting torn back down, and rebuilt, and it is quite exciting. There is a great deal of work to do, but I am "passing through complexity to arrive at simplicity".
I feel that My mind, body, and spirit are on the cusp of the next level of performance and understanding. Sounds a bit over dramatic, but that's how I feel. I have been and am still being taught by the best, and I have every intention of surpassing them, for that is the mark of a good teacher... when their students surpass them. I hope I get to watch somebody else do that to me.
That being said, I SUCKED ASS at the Cut and thrust tournament at Border Skirmish. I can blame fatigue, etc etc, but I did not show up to the party on that one.
In other news, After seven years, I have found someone to take over the Knight's Marshal job at Illiton. In all honesty, It really hasn't been a tremendous burden to me, other than the constant equipment issues, because I was always there, and always would be fighting and teaching. How can your passion become a burden? (hmm.. that may be a rhetorical question. hehe.) I can't really say I am "burned out".... Alzbeta and I have talked about that fuzzy word before. I think it is FAR FAR overused, and merely an excuse sometimes to not face one's own weakness. (Not always, of course)
But the real problem is that The Knight's Marshal thing deserves somebody fresh, with new ideas and new energy to drive it foreword. The other problem I am experiencing is that my teaching is becoming more.... for lack of a better word, esoteric.
It would be foolish for me to think that everybody who comes to practice wants to look at this as a lifestyle, or a tool to forge themselves into better people. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and it is just great fun to get dressed up in weird crap and beat the hell out of each other. It is, in some ways, unwise of me to "expect" that every person who begins fighter practice will be doing footwork drills every night before they go to bed. On the other hand, all the people in our practice tend to look at this as a martial culture, and I am proud of what we have accomplished. I think that some teachings need to be earned. On the other hand, there should always be free samples available. I think I am starting to run out of free samples. (Hmm.. That doesn't really make sense, but it is as good as my feeble brain can disgorge right now.)
In any case, The good Anshelm (Kenneth's new name) will be taking over for me at the baronial newcomers' meeting, so he will get the mountain of rotted loaner gear that I have accumulated/inherited. I AM happy to say that NONE of the helmets that I inherited are in service any more, and have not been for some time. (laugh)
I will ever and always support the fighting community, but I have to admit, it will be very pleasant, albeit strange to have such an empty truck bed... Only MY armor in it!?!? I won't know what to do!
I was pretty annoyed today when work got in the way of the first Reliquiae Demo. I couldn't get off work, and Brian and Jamie had to go do the demo at the library. I haven't heard how it went yet, but I am quite sure they did well. I really don't want to do many demos like this, as they really don't fit into what I am trying to do with the school. It is most certainly NOT a children's thing.
I am very proud of what we have accomplished so far, and what is in store. I do have to admit though, that many of my friends seem to think that it is "taking away" or I am "pulling away" from the SCA. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The belief, I think, stems from the idea that a WMA school, and the SCA cannot be mutually supporting. This parallels the thoughts in some that the SCA Cut and thrust activities are a direct threat in some way to the two competitive martial venues we already have.
This is, quite frankly, untrue.
Just as Kenjitsu fuels the sport of Kendo, and Kendo supports and vilifies Kenjitsu, so too does WMA and SCA exist.
But I have written about that before. suffice it to say that I have no intention whatsoever in "Disappearing". I'm not "burned out" or "changing direction", I just need to maximize my efforts. That being said, I will most likely not be as interested in doing things without purpose. Of course, just hanging out with friends is extremely valuable, and has a significant purpose, but I also need to be very mindful of my time and energy. I suppose that I could take it as a compliment that a small lapse on my part in certain areas has been perceived as leaving some small gap. It is pleasant to think that folks like having me around. I guess if you wanna know where to find me, just look out back at the pell. (laugh)
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