Happiness is...3,4 &5

Dec 14, 2008 21:41

 I hope no one reports me to the Meme police. I've really messed up this Happy one by not posting every day.

For Friday:

Cute, fuzzy animal-themed Christmas cards from mrstater  and gilpin25 , which included some english sweets which I'm not sharing this time. They're all mine!

Best friend Steve finally arriving for the holidays. His direct flight from Pittsburgh turned into a layover in Las Vegas which was diverted to Chicago due to a cracked windshield. Four hours later, he got on a flight to LA and arrived just in time for dinner at Vinces and a late night catching up.

Saturday :

Cookie party! Went with six dozen chocolate chips cookies and came home with six dozen assorted cookies. Best ones are the peanut butter cookies with the Reeces peanut butter cup stuck in the middle.

Making the bed with Fran's help. Which means she attacks the sheets while I'm trying to lay them nicely and then sits in the middle of the bed under the covers while I (or Murphy) attack her from above. Can't beat that for entertainment.

Today :

Family Christmas gathering. This year was at cousin Rob's house. It was almost a year ago that he had a stroke. He couldn't join all of us in the main part of the house but we were able to go in to his room and visit for a bit. He's talking much better but it's obvious that he still has a long way to go and will probably never recover fully. Still, he's home and making progress and that's a very happy thought.

Next week is rather free of obligations so I can get started on my christmas cards, work on my R/T art and do some LJ catching up.

Have a great week, everybody


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