Speaking of Soup

Nov 21, 2008 14:07

Upon picking up books and random crap off my desk, The Spawn was helping out in the way that four year olds do. (which is not at all, really)
Now, there's a LOT of junk on my desk, Stuff from Cons, Stuff from working on Rooftop Confessions... TONS of GriffinSong press Junk and presents from my fannish friends... signed photos, mugs, mousepads (which i don't use cause I loves my track ball, but they're pretty coasters) framed photos of the RC covers.. blahblah .. LOTs of Supernatural stuff.
(the DH TOtally understands that should Jared or Jensen (or Sam or Dean) come to the door, and request that I run away with them, that there'll be a goddess shaped hole in the air where I used to stand)...
I Moved Herbert (our bronze skull that's supposed to be on the table) from on top of a stack of photos and magazines and the spawn picked up a magazine, and said, "Here is your favorite show again, mommy."
And, playing along, I said, "which show is that sweetie?" as I took the magazine.
"Sam and Dean," he said rolling his eyes... but then: "Except, that's not Sam and Dean." and he pointed to the magazine.
And I looked, and It wasn't ... it was Jared and Jensen...

How does he know? I don't know, but that's just a little disturbing.

random, sam

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