okay computer

Aug 15, 2008 13:50

Dear computer:
It's been a while since last we spoke, and I know that you're a little worried about me, and no, I'm not leaving you... but ... but I have been having an affair with another machine...
the trouble is... I have a nerd machine...
 and when I say nerd machine, I mean a swanky phone, and it's got a browser on it ... just like you only smaller and
and, I'll admit it...

I twitter...

It started small, but then, I started following other folks, and now I'm a twitter nerd... no kidding.

ANYway ..
a lot of times, when i would normally find a little time to sit in front of you computer and massage your keys or surf or post to LJ (since I got the previously mentioned nerd phone.. which was December) I surf twitterfeed and boingboing and propeller on my phone, and I'm sorry, computer, you're just too large to carry with me to the grocery store or in the car...

It's not really your fault computer, now quit crying... it's not you, it's me...

dang it .. my attention span these days is just .. you know. ..
I mean ..

yeah... If you need me, computer:


I'll come and visit, just... don't wait up for me.

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