Long ago, I went to Dallas, and went to Fangoria

Aug 11, 2008 13:40

and hip checked Jared hard enough that he likely had a bruise on his right hip later.  It was an accident, I swear.  I was being rushed and 'BONK' there he was ( Read more... )

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kroki_refur August 11 2008, 18:59:08 UTC
There you are! I've been worried about you! Did you get my email?

Also, Kudos on the beating up of that big old sasquatch guy. Somebody needs to keep his ginormousness in check.


drumgoddess August 11 2008, 19:19:12 UTC
He was asking for it ... you should have seen what he was wearing ..
um.. I mean ...


I didn't get your email .. but then .. I think I'm turning into a Luddite or something... without all that pesky polydactylia...

How have you been?
I'm out from under the rock for only a little while longer, you know. . let's get all the socializing in that we can!


kroki_refur August 11 2008, 19:22:23 UTC
Eh, my email was mainly just wondering where you were, anyway.

I've been mostly OK! Random petty life issues, you know how it is, but nothing major. I have Big Plans in the works that involve getting PhD funding and moving to New Zealand, but God knows if anything'll come of it. In the meantime, I'm just rambling away, as is my wont... And you?


drumgoddess August 11 2008, 22:19:48 UTC
oooh.. big plans and large ocean traversing ..
sounds fun..
and PhD innnnn what?
language wizardry?
ffic awesomeness?

I'm rambling .. holding things down and up and stuff...
pondering going to the chicago thinger, but i dunno..


drumgoddess August 11 2008, 22:20:23 UTC
and that you totally needed a question mark at the end..


kroki_refur August 11 2008, 22:23:05 UTC
PhD in rocks! And mer. Naturally.

I'm not going to Chicago this year, but I am going to Baltimore. Chicago was fun, but a little too celebrity-oriented for my liking. Am also planning an epic trip from Florida to Nova Scotia, which will incorporate Baltimore on the way. Crazy!


drumgoddess August 12 2008, 15:59:49 UTC
wow . . . Florida to Nova Scotia .. ooh ooh .. ride the cat from Bar Harbor to Yarmouth .. fucker goes so fast that the air pressure at the rear is low enough to make it snow behind it .. at least, it did that last time I rode it.
hmm... when is this trip happening, anyway?
I mean .. you know.. professional interest in traveling people and all. /ponders when I'll be in Philly)


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