Gloves, scarves and leather - KaixAoi - Part 13/?

Nov 16, 2008 22:49

Title: Gloves, scarves and leather
Chapter: 13/?
Author: golden_kimono
Genre: General, humour (or an attempt at that), a little fluff, some smut, eventually romance
Warnings: Masturbation
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: KaixAoi, mention of UruhaxRukixReita
Summary: Aoi has become obsessed with Kai, his gloves and his leather, to the amusement of his band mates. The only one who doesn't know is Kai, but how long will it take for him to find out?
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine, the men sadly belong to themselves.
Comments: Who even still remembers this story? >.> Not beta-read, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.

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