Aug 07, 2007 08:06
So I haven't written on here for like forever. So you are probably wondering, why now? Well I have been thinking about getting a Site or something where I could vent and rant and tell the unbelievable stories of my work. I didn't want to use the mainstream venues. (Sorry livejournal, hate to be the bearer of bad news but after the age of 15 you are obsolete.) Then, I remembered: I have a livejournal account!!! So I thought I could use this space to start my ramblings.
First and for most before I begin, everything I am about to write in this and following entries is to be taken with a grain of salt. I am not here to be mean. The things I say are true or as true as I see things. I know that one person’s perception is different than the next, so please don't take my word for it. These people I work with and my job itself may be worth a visit or a long term relationship, though I wouldn't recommend it. So again the things I ramble on about here are my opinion and my opinion only. The people I refer to will rarely be mentioned by their real names and event details my change to protect the innocent. All this said, on with my attempt of a blog, (which who knows after this entry if I’ll even write again within the next year, I have a bad habit of never journaling again after I start)
Ok so, on with what got me to this point this morning.
Well, apparently there is a woman in my office who has someone in their family going into the reserves. This young man in her family thought he would be an adult at age 18 and sign up for the reserves. And now Uncle Sam is coming a knockin'. The other day she was talking about trying to talk the guy out of going or looking for a way out. I myself don't feel bad for these alleged "volunteer" soldiers, when they get called to duty. Anyway, so today I overhear her talking about how it will be ok for him to go to Iraq because he will be an airplane mechanic and will be out of harms way. Her and another lady went on and on about how that made sense referring to the news medias depiction of the war as an accurate view of what’s going on and even mentioning that there is good being done. Political debate aside, (I don’t have all day or the patients to deal with any comments I may receive on the subject of the Iraq war and out position there, so please don't even think to post about that) I found it laughable that they would think that media shows anything. I mean the coverage of the Vietnam War was, in my opinion, way more in your face and in depth than the footage pumped into our TVs every night from Iraq and yet back then it was still a hundred times worse in Vietnam than what they were showing the American public. So how could you think that it is an accurate portrayal? But then again I mean that is the American perception.
I hope that this young man does return home safely and goes for all the soldiers stationed all over the world. I also hope that Americans will realize that it is war over there and no matter what you see on TV it is a lot worse there, no matter what your position is. It seems to me that those dying over there are in positions that would make you think they would be a little safer. For example, I remember multiple news stories of deaths from friendly fire or helicopter accidents happening miles away from the front line. So to think there is a safe is laughable. Hell I don't even think I am safe from the fighting over there and I am average citizen in the Midwest of all places.
Well anyway, when there conversation revolved to their recent knowledge of Osama's where abouts and the potential threat from Al Qaeda I had to say enough is enough. "YOU ARE BEING BLOGGED" (This is the time when I put on my head phones turned up the Tracy Chapman and began this blog)
I hope you enjoyed the first installment of what I hope will be many more bloggerations of my day time in my cubicle.
Later Fans.