So this is the router that I've been checking up on. One of the nice tweaks that Buffalo Technologies applies to their routers is the ability not only to facilitate their own personal networks as a proper router but they also have the ability to service as a wireless access point by connecting to another wireless router to act as a wireless bridge. This will allow network owners to increase the coverage of their networks. So for example, back in a bedroom you have the modem and a wireless router to host one or two desktop PC's. The device you find on the left would then connect to your primary router and you could use that in a different part of the house for up to 5 more ethernet wired devices.
The only downside with this particular device, otherwise the Nfiniti Wireless High Power Router & Access Point its model number is "WZR-HP-G300NH". Interesting to know that through newegg with shipping and everything else that goes into it the baseline price is over $100. You'd think for that price it should be pretty impressive with what it can do. Previously I've utilized this brand in doing just that. Unfortunately my ex room mate "bricked" it. This is just something that happens when one isn't careful about firmware updates.
So what you see to the right is the router I upgraded to in December. This particular router is a Linksys WRT54g2. Its actually got a really nice range on it and I didn't have any particular problems with this router aside from the fact that it couldn't be switched to a wireless access point or client mode. With this in mind after we moved into our new room here in Citrus Heights, we had everything set! There was a wire running from where router and the modem was located in that reached into the room on the other side of the house where this pretty little right handed linksys was hiding.
Well now after some interesting recient events the home owners have started to rearrange their house and they've moved their computers from they're little craft room to their bedroom. Here's the kicker, the cat5 doesn't reach into the routers new location so here's my poor little linksys no longer connected to the internet.
Yes I have an affinity for collecting gadgets, another wireless router that I've got is an old, I mean... this particular netgear router I have I want to say is at least 9 years old. Still works though to my suprise. I gave it to my friend Gem. She's using it for the time being. I figure if I could come up with the cash to afford the previously mentioned netgear I could find the means to connect the buffalo to the netgear as the bridge it'll make things all better when it comes time for the previously mentioned recient events which is still an evolving monster to say the least. Should my wife want to go ahead and get a dedicated phone line with a DSL line at least we have a backup wireless router to work with.
My tower right now because of the problems we're having with our connectivity issues with said Linksys means that my Linux system, which for those people who have any insight into Linux is running a Debian distrobution. I'm actually suprised that Debian had out of the box drivers for my motherboards Gigabyte lan chipset. Awesome cool!!!! I'm at the point in my server building progression that I may very well need a domain, unfortunately I no longer have the cut and paste excerpts that enable the account name to take the place holder for accessing seperate account web directories. The only other option I have is to try to research the BIND server and break to get myself a domain name. Unfortunately, domain names cost money, add that monthly exenditure with the cost of the new buffalo I've been drooling over and... I come back to the same conclusion.. I need me a job!!! Wai!!!!!!!
But seriously though; I'm going to see about enrolling for the spring term at the American River College and see about getting into they're computer science program unforunately the Santa Rosa Junior College Comp Sci program didn't quite seem as comprehensive although I'm going to need to get back down to a few G.E.D. type courses to get back into the school swing, I need to pick a day to call the school and find out when they're entrance assessments are being held and see what I can as far as judging where I need to start in order to get back to where I was 9 years ago... awww hell.