The Death of a Fond Friend

Jan 17, 2008 18:06

Hello All,

It is with a heavy heart that I type this post. I have actually tried to do it twice already and just couldn't finish it. But my dear friend George Ministeri has passed away( aka: My psychic). He died of heart attack, Monday night. All efforts were made to revive him but they all failed.There are no right words for what this incredible man was to and for me. I found a testimonial I wrote for him a few years back and it was true. I have also included his biography from his website and some other things about him that were on there. The world has lost an incredible man and one of the best psychic, that I ever had the pleasure to know and call my friend.

Without your help through out my life for the past 8 years only God knows where I would be and what could have happened to me. With your help love and guidance I have been able to see the downfalls of life before they happen. The help that your insight has given me is incalculable. And even at the times when I was at a fork in the road and had to make some really big decisions you were always there with the best advice and a word of understanding. (Even when I made the wrong choice.) And I can't count the times that I have said "Wow! Georgie was right again!" You are an awesome individual that has helped me countless times and has given me the confidence that I need to use my own gifts selflessly to help others in need. You helped guide me to who I am today and I am eternally grateful to you for being the wonderful, loving, caring and dynamic person that you so truly are.
Amy W. - Brockton, MA

Psychic Readings by George Ministeri

Do you need a psychic reading by George Ministeri? George Ministeri is an internationally acclaimed psychic, clairvoyant, and psychometrist. He is also adept at clairaudio, telepathy, dream analysis, psiphotology, and some forms of mediumship. You will be amazed by George Ministeri's honest and accurate psychic readings.

Wouldn't it be easier to know the future? Wouldn't you like the guidance you need to make the right choices? No one can do that better for you than
George Ministeri

Don't walk around in a fog when it comes to many of life's dilemmas, let a psychic reading with George Ministeri make them as clear as a bright new day.

George Ministeri has been a leading influence in the metaphysical field for over 35 years. Some of George Ministeri's colleagues have been quoted as saying that they consider him to be one of the deans of American Psychics. Clergy members of all faiths, as well as various law enforcement agencies, have even been known to seek out Mr. Ministeri's counsel, advice, and knowledge. He is located near Boston in the town of Whitman, Massachusetts.

During his psychic readings, George Ministeri is able to tune into each individual and give them accurate information about all areas of their lives. He is also able to read other people in a client's life and make accurate predictions. As well as psychic readings, George Ministeri is also an Intuitive Counselor. He is able to look at the different "paths" that his clients are considering and give them insight so that they can make a decision that is beneficial to all concerned.

Although Mr. Ministeri has been the psychic advisor of a broad based clientele ranging from movie stars, to political figures, to the international jet set, he is down to earth and easy to relate to. His highly developed sense of humor, keen insight, thoughtful advice, genuine compassion, and total honesty, makes even the most difficult subject matter seem lighter and more manageable. George, as he likes to be called, is a warm and witty problem solver. In the world of physical, mental, or spiritual confusion, George Ministeri is what might be referred to as "The Equalizer", or "The Edge", that special someone we all need sometimes in order to overcome the many obstacles life can often present.


George Ministeri was born to George and Mary Ministeri just a week before Christmas in Boston, Massachusetts. A seemingly normal child, they called him their Christmas Blessing. However, there was one curious thing at the time of his birth. George was born with a veil over his face. This caul, as it is called, is a layer of tissue from the wall of birth sack that surrounds the baby during pregnancy. Although rare, every once in while a baby is born with that tissue lying over its face, resembling a veil. This veil can be easily removed from a newborns face either by lifting or gently washing it away. There are a lot of old European superstitions attached to babies who are born with a so called veil. Superstition has noted that these children are believed to be truly gifted in some way or another, yet the most commonly held belief is that these children of the veil or caul are born with a highly developed ability of second sight.

George had no knowledge of any of this until he was well into his late twenties. He grew up in South Boston, Massachusetts, a deeply Catholic community, where he attended Catholic schools, run by nuns and priests, where nothing psychic or remotely mystical was ever really talked about. European superstition however, the traditions of his father's Italian (Sicilian) family, combined with his Mother's Irish Heritage, held and afforded him a whole lot of exposure to folk lure about dreams and their meanings. So, it can be said that George grew up in average middle class America. It wasn't until he reached the age of 13 that there was even an inkling of what was yet to come into his life.

It was then, at thirteen, that everything changed. George drifted away from friends and others in his local community, feeling more drawn towards older people. For some unknown reason he felt much older and much wiser that his young age. He also became somewhat reclusive at this time. This was the time in George's life when he started to get what he then called "vibes".

Dreams started to become very vivid and full of great detail for George at this time. He also noticed that things he was dreaming about were happening in reality, usually only weeks or day's later. At first this frightened him. Then he began to talk to a wise older women he befriended. Based on her knowledge which was limited, she tried to explain to him that his dreams were of a precognitive nature. (Precognition is knowledge of an event that comes to a person before the event actually takes place.) She was the first person to make him aware of his gift. She helped him to accept, embrace, and become comfortable with his new found psychic ability. Together they heightened and fine-tuned his psychic powers, by guessing what object was in a box, or what playing card she was holding in her hand. She helped George to become confident in what she told him was God's gift to him. She was a blessing when most other people in his life didn't understand what George was dealing with, or trying to come to terms with. At that time people ran away from anything they couldn't understand or comprehend. This made it very difficult for George to share his inner thoughts with his peers or even his family for that matter. He shared his visions and vibes with only a few close and carefully selected friends. Each of those people were always amazed by the information George told them about themselves, as well as what he would see in the future for the world at large.

George remained a mystery to many people around him, except for a few select friends. Until he was 20 years old, when quite by accident, George ended up on the Paul Benzquen Radio talk show on WEEI in Boston, MA. George did that show with much reluctance, but was filling in for a friend. The show turned out to be quite successful, for the listening audience and for the show's host, all of whom were amazed by George's psychic ability. George himself was actually pretty amazed with the psychic readings he gave on air, which was just what he needed to give him the confidence and strong belief in his own gift that he has today. Within days after that show aired, hundreds of calls from people seeking psychic readings and George's help started flooding his home telephone. Many offers to do more Radio and TV shows poured in as well. It was a very overwhelming period in his life.

It was clearly time for George to make a very important life decision. The question was should he share his gift with everyone, or should he choose another life that might be far easier to deal with. In the final analysis, it was George's strong religious beliefs, and the realization that his gift was GOD given, that he felt he had no other choice than to pursue a future based on his phenomenal psychic ability. He knew he had to share it, and to allow it to help those around him. This knowledge came from his soul, not his psychic eye, and the rest is history!

Those life altering events occurred well over 30 years ago. As you can see by this website George has experienced and accomplished a great deal since those early days of discovering and developing his psychic ability. I hope this open and honest biography helps you get a good feel for George the Psychic, as well as for George the regular guy. My most sincere hope is that this website can enlighten its visitors about their own psychic ability and the ways to enhance and expand on the intuitive side of yourself. My first tip is that you dispel any notion about psychics wearing black robes and consulting crystal balls for knowledge. Psychic readings come from the mind and the soul, and can be given in any state of attire and in any room in the house. No one can change your life, or erase your mistakes for any amount of money. Psychic consultants can only guide you toward changing your own life with the help of their knowledge and insight.

I'd like to share with you the question that is most frequently asked of me. People ask me on a regular basis why I chose to become a psychic. My answer to them is a truthful one. My answer is always that I did not choose to become a psychic, I was born with psychic ability. I chose to become a psychic consultant however because psychic ability chose me. I follow up that answer by sharing with people that I sometimes wish that I could be happily oblivious to the problems of the people and the world around me, but in doing this work for so long now, I realize that helping the people and the world around me is what has made me truly happy!

There will be no funeral for Georgie... he wishes that people celebrate his life and not more his passing because...
"Death is not the end, it is only a new beginning."

Georgie's Memorial service will be held on Monday January 21st. at 4:30 pm at Florian Hall in Dorchester.

Florian Associates, Inc
55 Hallet Street
Dorchester, MA 02124

copy and paste this link for directions
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