Jul 07, 2007 22:18
What an amazing night! My dearest Friend Cory is Finally out of his prison of a relationship and as is normal I am wondering how much longer he will be around and since he was leaving for Maine for his sisters weeding and he couldn't guarantee that he would be coming back. He wanted to see me before he left. So Jon and I went to pick him up in Weymouth last night and I planned to bring him to Gene's so that he could meet him too. (sorry Nicole we never ended up coming back here and I didn't have your number with us either, but he is really interested in meeting you!) So I got to meet his dad and then we started driving to plymouth and after a couple of pit stops for Jon to catch up with some of his friends made our way to Gene's where we chilled and hung out and looked at all the amazing things in Gene's store. Neesa showed up and got to meet him too. I was as happy as I could be. Cory really wanted to see the ocean since he hadn't been to the ocean in a long time so off we went to the jetty and we all walked it, chatted and read all the writing that was on the rocks. I saw a saying that made me smile and Cory and I agreed that we loved it. It said "If nothing lasts forever will you be my nothing?"We sat at the end of it until the sun went down and then we all decided that we would go to get some fried ice cream at Sam Deiago's. And we thought it would be great to leave the car there and walk thru plymouth. It was great just walking thru crowds of people with the sea to out left and music coming from everywhere. We chatted and looked around and just enjoyed the night we finally got to the restaurant and we had some amazing snacks as we talked some more and just relaxed and enjoyed being together. After we were done there we took a walk up to burial hill and walked around and looked at the grave stones and felt the slightly creepy nature of the place. But we all enjoyed it and then we walked back to the car and I drove him home and Jon and I went home. It was a wonderful night and I thank all that were there. It is days like this that I am so glad that I am me and that I have so many great and wonderful friends. I love you all.