(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 03:28

Stalked again, a rant by druidfox.

ph0enixinflight is stalking druidfox

ph0enixinflight’s REAL name :
Felipa Hockensmith

ph0enixinflight’s REAL DOB :
15th June 1985

Height :150 cm
Weight : 69.8 kg

ph0enixinflight has dreamt about you :
3 times

ph0enixinflight became interested in you :
08th December 2004

ph0enixinflight’s latest dream about you

ph0enixinflight dreamt that both of you died in each others arms in a rather bizarre rollercoaster accident.

This is how ph0enixinflight describes your relationship behind your back

‘We were destined to be together and you’ll soon be tying the knot.’

ph0enixinflight’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

ph0enixinflight was seen parading around town with druidfox’s missing beret.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

ph0enixinflight recently spent a months salary, tattooing your head onto the inside of both of their thighs.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

Hunnybugs! I’m drowning out at sea without you. S.O.S! Mayday! Give me a fuck and I’ll no doubt find land!

The Police

No. calls to the police :
23 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Hello is that the police? Ah good, it’s just there’s this maniac standing outside my house in the pouring rain waving at me, with flowers in their hand. I think they’ve been following me for the last year Their name? ph0enixinflight."

ph0enixinflight’s Police File

It is only a matter of time before we encover a mass of decomposed bodies within ph0enixinflight’s refridgerator.

Testimonies about ph0enixinflight

raptorgirl - A deformed enuch

‘I use the word cunt sparingly - it’s more effective that way. I’ve spent all morning texting ph0enixinflight, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.’

shadowfairy - Car wreck of a human

‘Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both ph0enixinflight and druidfox. Chances are druidfox’s just made all of this shit up again.’

scarygreg - Nosy old hen

‘I’ve known them both for a long time and I can safely say I’ve never met such a pair of nutjobs in my life. All of these claims are bullshit.’

suddenlee - Wide-load

‘You think you know a person and then something like this comes out of the blue. Fuck that, I’m becoming a recluse.’

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