Jul 12, 2008 18:16
Well, well, well, this has been a somewhat eventful year has it not? Having just glanced over my l-j since January, I see that I've had some losses in the last few months, but the positive gains in my life far out way all that has happened negatively! I'm a happier more confident person, I look forward to what each new day brings! Life is mine for the living, and that's exactly what I intend to do! The fact that I have a wonderful Soul mate to share the journey with is a bonus!
I cast aside my past - I no longer let it hold me back or intimidate me. There are people and events that I no longer have to deal with or worry about, for that I am grateful!
Long live happiness, and I wish with all sincerity that whomever reads this journal will also have a happy and fulfilling life! :o)