Has anybody ever had success in cutting feather quills for writing? Any experience you'd like to share? I thought I'd geek out this weekend and give it a try.
This varies not a jot from the usual geek out process of my weekend. I'm just saying.
I've been awe-full this past week looking at the current progress on the Saint John's Bible. (
http://www.saintjohnsbible.org/) I respect this level of immersion in a craft, but I'm not so sure it's valid to go to such trouble to replicate the PROCESS of some antiquated art form, and not also go the extra mile to replicate the aesthetic of that art form. Whaddayou think? Not that there's anything at all wrong with the designs they've been coming out with. In a vacuum, that is.
In case you didn't realize, on that website if you go to "view and purchase bible prints" and click on the custom page it lets you choose one of any of the currently complete books, and you can page through it and see enlargements.
I haven't looked to see if they're using metal nibs or quill pens. From what I've read, quills can do a better job in spite of their short life span, so that's why I was thinking of giving it a try.