J'aime le weekend

Feb 03, 2007 11:57

Ah what a week.  Pretty un-eventful, but what the fuck.  Let's review!

So, Monday, I don't really remember what happened.  It was a Monday, so naturally, fuck it.
Tuesday, um....yea.  I had my drama audition and Its Ac practice.  Kind of scary because for once the drama auditions were ahead of schedule by about 20 minutes, and I had not even read the monologue, potentially vitiating my chances of being in drama.  It was also scary because my school is the evening school registration center, so questionable characters from all over MoCo come there to register, and they were right outside the audition room, not helping my jittt-tt-t-ters.  I had to wait over an hour outside for my mom to pick me up, her job can throw shit at her last minute, and from what I hear that, coupled with MoCo traffic ensured her late-ness.
Wednesday, I stayed after for a looooong time for choral auditions.  From the end of school to my 5:35 audition which happened to be at 4:45ish.  I learned the songs quickly because I remember that we had the movie as a kid and the songs sounded familiar, so I had them pretty quickly, and I had "If I were a rich man" as backup in the event I didn't learn the songs on time, I had one I pretty much knew by heart.  Didn't get to perform it but that's fine.
Thursday was Its Ac practice and a continuation in first period of my retard law class.  Its a motion to suppress evidence, not the actual trial!!  We're challenging whether in the actual trial we can use the cocaine that he threw down the drain!  Geez.  
Friday.  S'fine.  Hung out most of all of the afternoon and night pretty much.

So, my weekend is fine, I woke up at 1145 :0)  Peace to ya'll

The Bears are going to maul some young horses.  At least that's how I hope its going to happen. 
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