
Sep 04, 2009 08:04

OSnews posted an article about how IKEA changing from their font from Futura to the Verdana is causing an uproar among typography geeks.

After reading the article, I thought I would post some of my favorite fonts.

Arial is my favorite all around font. It's clean and easy to read. It doesn't hurt that it looks good on everything. LCDs, CRTs, print it looks good on all of them.

Lucida Console is my favorite monospace font. In fact, I like the entire Lucida font family, but Lucida Console happens to be the one I use the most. The differentiation between "l" and "i" is what really seals the deal as my favorite monospace font. The four letters look nothing alike, so it is very easy to tell them apart. The zero not being slashed is my only complaint. The capital "o" is a little bit fatter, but other wise they are similar.

Calibri, DejaVu font family, and Microsoft San Serif all get honorable mentions.

Typophile is a website about typography that I came across on the Univers font Wikipedia page. It's a neat little site that will tell you moer about fonts then you really ever wanted to know.
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