Last night's dreaming

May 20, 2009 11:10

In my dream last night, I was at a huge party that was held in a rather dingy, small apartment that I didn't recognise. A feast had been laid out, and an incredibly vibrant Asian woman who looked to be in her mid to late 20's put down a large dish in the middle of the table. When she turned to me, I realised she was the grandmother of a dear friend of mine (still alive in this world, and nearly 100 years old), only young here.

She told me that the plate was full of "Japanese Luck Fish", and that we were all to eat some of it in celebration, because this Sunday heralds the beginning of a new age of prosperity and awareness in the world. She said that it would grow slowly, but this was the first step, and that we ALL must celebrate and focus our thoughts on ensuring that it happens.

With a smile, she said that one way to do this was for us to sing.
Not necessarily as a group, but also individually, in the way that makes each of us the happiest, for (in her words), "music, especially sincere music, comes from the heart... and hope and love are spilled back into the world through every breath that carries them into the sky"
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