I'm working on a lobbying project with the US House of Representatives. There is a sign-on letter circulating congress in regards to medical marijuana research.
The letter asks members of Congress to sign-on to a letter urging DEA Administrator Karen Tandy to end the monopoly on marijuana for medical research. As it stands, NIDA is the only facility permitted to grow marijuana for scientific research. Professor Lyle Craker, Director, Medicinal Plant Program at UMASS-Amherst has applied for a DEA license to produce medical marijuana solely for federally approved research by privately funded researchers. However, the DEA has refused to grant him a license for 4 years.
Federal law requires adequate competition in the production of Schedule I drugs for research. There are presently private suppliers for nearly every other Schedule I drug including heroin, LSD, and ecstasy. The DEA is using its monopoly on the supply of marijuana to obstruct research into the potential medical uses of cannabis.
Constituent support is needed especially in Washington State and California.
A few phone calls or emails often make the difference! To send an email that goes automatically to your Representative,
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Click here to retrieve the phone number of the Washington, DC office of your member of the House of Representatives. Please call their office and say that you are calling about Rep. Olver's Dear Colleague letter. Indicate that you are calling to urge your Rep. to sign on to the letter to DEA Administrator Karen Tandy expressing support for DEA licensing of Prof. Lyle Craker's UMass Amherst facility to produce marijuana exclusively for federally-approved research.
If you do contact your representative, please be aware this issue is specifically about scientific medical research. It is not about legalization in general or the recreational use of marijuana. We are best served in this case keeping the discussion narrow.