[albums] Anna Tsuchiya, Gundam Wing, Typhoon, HYDE

Jun 10, 2009 18:42

First of all: I just wanted to let people know that I'm still taking requests over here. Music that has been requested thus far: Takui/Takui Nakajima, Ministry of Magic, Darren Hayes, wyse. I'm going to close the post on Friday and then start upping people's requests.


Artist: Anna Tsuchiya (土屋アンナ)
Album: NUDY xxxremixxxxxxx!!!!!!!! SHOW!
Language: Japanese, English
Date Released: 3/11/2009
Genre: pop, rock

01. Crazy World (FPM HYper Society mix)
02. LUCY (digiping panda mix)
03. masquerade (RYUKYUDISKO REMIX)
04. Style (new born mix)
05. GINGER (blanc. remix)
07. u (Sound Around remix)
08. Dirty Game (Dexpistols remix)
09. cocoon (Volta Masters Remix)
10. Virgin Cat (LAVA Remix)
11. Cockroach (AYASHIGE REMIX)
13. BUBBLE TRIP (HEX CLUB MIX) (Bonus Track)


Summary: Well, I had uploaded Anna Tsuchiya's NUDY SHOW! over here, and I figured that since I uploaded the original album, I should also share the remixed version of it, too. XD I do love Anna Tsuchiya's remixes, though. She's probably my favorite artist for remixes--nothing ever sounds "bad" to me and I think that she does an awesome job on all of them, and this album is definitely included in that. ^^b


Album: Gundam Wing Operation 1 [OST]
Release Date: 1995
Language: Japanese
Genre: anime, pop

01. 思春期を殺した少年の翼(M-1) (The Wings of a Boy that Killed Adolescence)
02. 黒い風が死へ誘(M-2) (The Black Wind invites Death)
03. 返り血と火薬の匂いの中(M-3) (Back in the Smell of Blood and Gunpowder)
04. 屍に埋もれた平和を探して(M-4) (Looking for Peace Hiding in the Corps)
05. 龍が泳ぐ時 すべては終わる(M-5) (When the Dragon Swims, Everything ends)
07. 次章の幕が今あがる(M-21) (The Curtain of the Next Chapter Lifts Now)
08. 永遠と無限をこの手に(M-12) (Eternity & Infinity are in these Hands)
09. トレーズ・クシュリナーダ~歴史を創る者(X-5) (Treize Khushrenada - Man who make History)
10. 暗闇からの使い(M-34+M-35) (Use The Cloak of Darkness)
11. 魂を呼ぶ声がする(X-10) (You Can Hear The Voice Calling The Soul)
12. GWブリッジ・コレクション(M-40+M-41+M-42+M-43+M-39) (Gundam Wing Bridge Collection I)
13. やわらかな髪 すきとおる瞳(M-14) (Soft Hair and See Through Eyes)
14. 少女の胸の奥には…(M-15) Inside Girl's Heart...)
15. 月のほほえむ夜 星たちのささやきを聞いた(X-1) (Hearing the Whispers of Stars at Night Under the Smiling Moon)
16. 可憐に 優雅に そして高潔に(M-20+M-22+M-23) (To Beauty , to Elegance, and to Noble-mindedness)
17. あの虹の橋さえ渡って行ける気がする(X-3) (I Feel like Crossing over that Rainbow Bridge)
18. 砕かれる平穏 動き出す時間(M-17+M-16) (Peace is Broken and Time is moving out)
19. 陰謀の糸とマリオネット(M-26+M-30) (Plot String and Marionette)
20. 冷徹な殺気(M-32+M-29+M-31) (Cold Bloodthirstiness)
21. リリーナ・ピースクラフトとして(X-2) (As Relena Peacecraft)
22. 不安から焦燥へ(X-7) (From Uncertainty to Impatience)
23. ヒイロ決意の時(X-4) (Heero's Time of Decision)
24. GWブリッジ・コレクション2(M-44+M-45+M-46+M-47+M-48) (Gundam Wing Bridge Collection II)
25. 遠い昔 棄てたはずの痛み(M-8) (Long Time Ago, Pain Already Thrown)
26. その道化師に涙のメイクは要らない(M-9) (The Clown That Doesn't Need Make-Up of Tears)
27. 悲しみ色の砂時計(M-10) (Sandy Clock of Sad Color)
28. ときめいてハーモニー(M-18) (Sparkling Harmony)
29. やすらぎのひとときをあなたと(M-36+M-37) (Peaceful Moment with You)
30. 任務遂行(M-11) (Mission: Accomplished)
31. ガンダム襲撃(M-28+M-33) (Gundam Attack)
32. 策略の戦場(M-19+M-25) (Important Battle Field)
33. OZモビルスーツ接近(M-6+M-7) (OZ Mobile Suit Getting Close)
34. 強行突破(M-24+M-27) (Enforcement Breakthrough)
35. 揺らぐ標的(X-11) (Swinging Target)
36. 未知のプレッシャー(X-6) (Unknown Pressure)
37. ゼクスが来る(M-13) (Zechs Comes)
38. JUST COMMUNICATION -Instrumental Version
39. コードネームはヒイロ・ユイ (Code Name is Heero Yuy)
40. It's Just Love


Summary: People mentioned nostalgia as well as excitement over the Operation 2 OST, so I decided to convert this Operation into mp3 so that I could upload and share it with people, too. XD;; Anyway, not as many character songs and such, but a lot of the instrumentals from the show. I was getting all nostalgic from just typing in song names--and now I want to rewatch all of the series again. ;_; ♥ Besides 1 and 2, I also have Operations 2, 4, and S (for Endless Waltz) if anyone wants me to up them~


Artist: Typhoon (台風)
Album: Overflow
Language: Chinese
Release Date: 12/16/2005
Genre: rock, pop

01. 天大地大 - Tian Da Di Da (Overflow)
02. 撒哈拉沙漠 - Sa Ha La Sha Mo (Desert Sahara)
03. 月光天堂 - Yue Guang Tian Tang (Moonlight Heaven)
04. 台风 - Tai Feng (Typhoon)
05. 狂爱战队 - Kuang Ai Zhan Dui (Crazy Love War-ally)
06. 破浪号 - Po Lang Hao (Breakwave)
07. 神枪手 - Shen Qiang Shou (Sniper)
08. 西风的话 - Xi Feng De Hua (Westwind’s Whisper)
09. 吸血鬼 - Xi Xue Gui (Vampire)
10. 伤心的石头 - Shang Xin Shi Tou (Sadstone)


Summary: Typhoon makes me sad, if only because no one seems to know of this Taiwanese band--and because this is the only thing they've ever produced. D: You can see some of their MVs on YouTube--would have uploaded them, but I don't have them. ._. *chews on the band* Anyway! MVs: Desert Sahara and Breakwave. I know that some people originally steered clear of the band because of the whole "zomg they copied Gackt's "Vanilla"!!", but artists cover each other--and Western artists--all of the time, so... I don't really care. XD;; Anyway, I do hope that you guys give them a try and like 'em~


Artist: HYDE
Album: BEST
Language: English, Japanese
Release Date: 3/18/2009
Genre: rock, ballad

02. IT'S SAD
03. EVERGREEN (dist.) [YouTube]
05. COUNTDOWN [YouTube]
07. SHINING OVER YOU [YouTube] ♥
08. HORIZON [YouTube]
09. SEASON'S CALL [YouTube]
15. UNEXPECTED (dist.)
16. THE CAPE OF STORMS [YouTube] ♥
17. GLAMOROUS SKY (English version) [YouTube]


Summary: Hyyyyyyyyde. ♥♥♥ After my Japanese penpal sent me Gackt's Vanilla single aaaaages ago, she then sent me one of L'Arc's albums. So I've liked both artists from the beginning and almost from the same time, which has been... quite a while. :D;;; Anyway, so this album is essentially a collection of his "Best" songs; I disagree with some of the choices, but... eh. For the most part, I think that it's a good, solid collection--especially for people who aren't familiar with Hyde's solo work. I do have to warn you, though: ...Hyde still needs to work on his pronunciation in English. XDXD *squishes him*

ost, english, soundtrack, gundam wing, hyde, japanese, chinese, typhoon, anna tsuchiya

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