Aug 02, 2004 21:04
Intro: With Vengeance just around the corner so I decided to create an article featuring one of the superstars being released in Vengeance. I believe that a lot of people will be downplaying this superstar so I'm going to create an article on him and make people rethink about playing him. His name is A-Train.
Name: The Plunging A-Train
Alignment: Face
Pre-Match (8)
1 - Snot Rocket*
1 - Managed by Dawn Marie
2 - Fans Love An Underdog*
1 - Pick Your Spots*
1 - It's Showtime*
1 - My Sacrifice*
1 - Underrated Superstar*
* indicates which pre-matches usually get played
Synopsis: With the new Vengeance ruling, we now get 5 pre-match slots instead of 4. This helps tremendously as you get almost everything out. The use of My Sacrifice has been going down as the newer sets are coming out so you should be able to play this without removing 8 cards. If you lose anything useful via My Sacrifice there are no worries because you can get them back with Ultimate Smackdown. If you happen to come across a PRS/PSDS deck drop Managed by Dawn Marie instead of something else. Other than that everything is pretty self-explanatory.
Mid-Match (8)
1 - Backlash
1 - Fortitude Surge
1 - Took That On the Chin
1 - Check This Out
1 - Cheap Accolades
1 - Divas Revealed
1 - It Doesn't Stop
1 - Business Is About to Pick Up
Synopsis: Everything here is pretty much self-explanatory. If your lost here then you should stop reading because you're too stupid to play Raw Deal.
Maneuvers (19)
3 - Snap Slam
3 - Double Underhook Powerbomb
3 - Double Underhook Back Breaker
2 - Slam Bomb
2 - Military Slam
2 - Reverse Fall-Away Slam
2 - Roll Up
1 - Derailer
1 - Train Wreck
Synopsis: You don't really need many 0F maneuvers because you're ability helps you out a lot. If you used Pick Your Spots then all of your maneuvers besides Roll Ups will be unelbowable. The basic plan is to roll your opponent up for the win, but if that doesn't work you have enough fire power to kill them the old fashioned way.
Actions (18)
3 - Iron Will
2 - Beating The Odds
1 - Amazing Display of Power
2 - Energy Burst
3 - Jockeying For Position
3 - Gut Wrench
2 - Get Crowd Support
1 - Chugga-Chugga-Chugga-Chugga
1 - Ultimate Smackdown
Synopsis: Here you have mostly staple cards for a plunge deck. Remember you can always use your ability to get out Amazing Display of Power.
Reversals (23)
1 - Who Do You Think You Are?
2 - Roll Out of the Way
3 - Step Aside
3 - Escape Move
3 - Elbow to the Face
3 - Oversell
2 - Reach for the Ropes
2 - Just Bring It
2 - Two Things You Can Do: Nothing and Like It
1 - Sloppy...Very Sloppy
1 - Let's Wrestle Already
Synopsis: You have plenty of action hate along with the other basic reversals used in a face deck. Everything here is pretty much self-explanatory.
Summary: Always use Snot Rocket for your feud slot to get rid of Fortitude Surge or something else that's annoying. Without a fortitude surge there's nothing stopping you from plunging away and stomping them into the ground. Occasionally you'll run into a Don't Try This At Home, but there's no need to worry as you have tons of other cards besides Fans Love An Underdog to work off of.
Check back next month for another effective Raw Deal article.