Oct 22, 2005 02:30
So.. i had a fucked up experiance tonight. I left to get a sack and am 98% sure that I closed my window, turned out my light and locked the door before I left. Well, I got home and the window and door were both open and the light was on so i was freaked out as fuck.
My roomate Thao said she thought she had heard a noise while she was in the living room coming from within here, which is scary enough, but i don't think anything was taken. And I do have a considerable change collection, lava lamps, a computer, a tv, cds, 9 packs of cigarettes, and all sorts of paraphernalia that they could have taken. Also, the window screen wasn't broken, which is wierd b/c for anyone to get through there they'd have to break it (i know; i broke it earlier this semester b/c i got locked out by my roomate and no one was home to let me in). There's no way to just pull it off i don't think.. although that makes me wonder if there is b/c how did they put it in there? *scary thoughts*
Then I just got home again and turned my computer moniter on but it was wierd b/c Windows Media Player was closed when I almost always leave it on and instead of the last list I had playing being on the now playing list, it was all rolling stones songs and it was on "prodigal son" and the volume was all the way down
i have had more then one occasion now when I've been within my room, had the door locked and a sheet down b/c i didn't want the place to smell like pot, and not paying attention playing on the computer and then i look over and the doors open a crack.
So.. i think I have a ghost. Or a very clever intruder who just wanted to listen to rolling stones but then realized my roomate was home and that made noise.
Its still pretty freaky though. I wasn't really concerned about it before, but I think I'm gonna put in a work order to get my window locks fixed. Theres too many things i have here that i shouldn't to call the campus police (the maintenance men have been here while i've had paraphernalia out and never reported me, so.. its not as much of a risk.. although i do still try to conceal it if i know they're coming ahead of time)..