OK....its been a few years since I have posted, but something in the news caught my eye:
http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/americas/04/19/canada.couch.ap/index.html I personally think it is hilarious that this person is so offended by a mistake.....I mean come on, if some one from another country like Mexico came to America (imagine that) and saw a sign that said "Chi-Chi's" they might think its a strip bar! (then be surprised its a family restaurant.) Well, sure its an offensive word to anyone of color (and yes they should take offense to it) but, why don't they get offended by the shit that comes off of BET and MTV? I mean, I never hear any person of color planning on to sue because their 7 year old happened to catch the latest rap video or song that was sexual suggestive or should be considered offensive to someone of color......and now we have a person of color threatening to sue a Chinese company because of a mistake that did in no way differ from what the media feeds their kid everyday? Excuse me while I say "Nigger please" because that is just plan stupid. I believe the correct course of action would be to call the company, inform them of their error, and rip the damn label off the couch so I wouldn't have to look at it. Not get upset, go to the news, and proclaim "see, this proves blacks are still looked down on no matter where you go" and all the other band wagons people jump on whenever something labeled media worthy happens. I would be willing to bet the only reason why she made a big deal about is to gain free publicity and maybe make a dime or two off of that poor Chinese couch maker (its a wonder anyone can stay in business and make a profit when poor people sue to make money all the time). Well on to my next subject, Imus...Disclaimer: I am in no way condoning the things that this man said! I am just commenting on the uproar that it caused:
See Here:
http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/04/13/imus.rutgers/index.htmlNotice "players have accepted radio host Don Imus' apology for racist and sexist comments toward the team and they are "in the process of forgiving.""
Does anybody recall what the statements made by Imus were? Let me refresh your memory: "nappy-headed hos"
Where does the racist comment stem from this statement? You are going to say....nappy right? Here is a list of definitions courtesy of ask.com:
nappy(adj.)Having a nap; fuzzy.nappy(n.)A round, shallow cooking or serving dish with a flat bottom and sloping sides.nappy(n.)Chiefly British A diaper.
Ok, so maybe the Rutgers Women's BBall team wear diapers on their head? Ok, maybe not....I am pretty sure since it was used as an adj. in the comment it should be considered to mean "having nap; fuzzy" So he is saying they have nap.....wells lets dig a little deeper...what is the definition of nap?
nap(n.)A brief sleep, often during the day.nap(n.)A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather.nap(v.)To pour or put a sauce or gravy over (a cooked dish):“a stuffed veal chop napped with an elegant Port sauce” (Jay Jacobs)Ok, i'm pretty sure its not because they are sleepy heads or like to pour gravy on themselves......my guess would be "A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather." Ok, so he is saying they have "fuzzy or soft hair"....I'm sure a big racial thing can be tied to that statement...Well, you might say "well black people have nappy hair".....well I have news for you! That is a stereotype! Not all black people have nappy hair, in fact I know some white people that have very nappy hair (soft or fuzzy)...and guess whose picture is on the first page of the Rugter's Roster! A white person!
http://www.scarletknights.com/basketball-women/roster/roster-alph.asp OMG! Why aren't their any hardcore white people being upset over the "racial" implications with Katie being called a nappy headed ho....maybe its because.... it is a predominately African American team, so that "group of people" get to jump on the racial band wagon...thats the real reason...not because the real issue (calling a team of fine young women from mixed races a bunch of hoes!) I think that should be a real reason why people should be upset, not because the team is largely black....just my two cents...In no way am I defending Imus, I think every source of womanizing and so on should be delt with....but what about all the other sources? The things we see everyday? No one ever complains about the everyday source of the nonsense when it is starring at them in the face! Why did we decide to pick on a lousy radio-talk show host that has a paultry group of listeners but one who does great things by raising money for sick children??? What about the rappers that make millions off of "black culture (degradation of women, etc), and squander it on themselves? It doesn't make sense to me...and I think people should be more upset about the impact rappers have on young children than a few lousy comments made to a smaller audience......just my two cents...ok, what about this whole band wagon thing where they crucified Imus? Who led the charge? None other than the Rev. himself, Jesse Jackson
http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=nation_world&id=5191674)....ok, ok...now you ask what do I have against Jackson...Well one thing, how is a Rev? And number two: Why is this guy protesting to statements made....when he is a bigot himself!
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/frenzy/jackson.htmYou may say, thats a long time ago...he didn't mean what he said....he has made great progress for African Americans! But....how do his comments differ from Imus's comments if you still consider his racial!?!?!? Sounds like a case of the pot calling the kettle "black" to me! or what about another one behing the protest? Al Sharpton:
http://www.davidstuff.com/political/clough1.htmDid anyone die because of Imus's comments? NO! Did people die in the past due to Al Sharpton?!?! Yes!!! I have a suggestion for people....stay away from these guys! They are not examples to follow! I think its shameful they continue to do this.......the most important thing to remember is that racism/being a bigot is a pendulum....it swings both ways! Just look at the humor directed against whites now-a-days...ever watch Dave Chappell? A prime example of "comedy" that could be construed as racism! But no one every does anything because White people aren't a minority! Well guess what! In California they are! And sooner than later, they will be in America! Ok, I'm done ranting....I just get so tired of hearing people jumping on bandwagons they shouldn't be on! My suggestion: Live, Laugh, and Love...make other people around you happy...don't foster hate and ill will....
Another issue for me is all the media attention the VT shooter got for doing a terrible thing! It was almost like media was impressed with the "record breaking number of people killed by one man" Jesus Christ, are you trying to promote other crazy people not right in the head to copy him?!?!? Man, I'm a college age kid....and I can't help but think about looking behind my back while I'm taking a piss at the urinal or thinking about the best way to either escape/or fight it out with a crazy gunman (hopefully living through the ordeal) in my class during lecture....you never know anymore these days....I just hope I would have the quick thinking to block the door so he couldn't get in like that one kid did; his classmates owe him plenty because he reacted to the situation instead of letting the situation control him! I would buy that guy a beer if I met him!