Jul 04, 2004 16:59
1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? nah, i dotn think so
2. Ever Been Missing? im not sure what you mean
3. Been hurt emotionally? yes yes indeed i have
4. Kept a secret from everyone? yes i surely have
5. Had an imaginary friend when you were young? no i didnt 6. Wanted to hook up with a friend? yep
7. Had a crush on a teacher? no....
8. Ever thought an animated character was hot? uh kinda lmao
9. Had a New Kids On the Block tape? no but my oldest sisterdid 10.What was the last new movie you saw?"Raising Hellen"
11. What are you wearing? "At The Drive-in" and some jeans
12. Hair Is: put back in a pony tail holder
13.Eating:nuin 14. Drinking:Dr.Pepper
15. Thinking about: the guy i like
16.Talking to: Ryan but hes away
17. Who have you known the longest of your friends? Tory Mac shse crazy cool
18. Who is the loudest of your friends? Erin Huber I think
19. Who do you go to for advice: My sister Courtney or Tory
20. Who do you cry to? Tory
25. What time did you go to bed last night?like 2
26. Are You Scared Of the Dark?sometimes it depends whats on my mind
27. If you could be with someone in the dark right now who would you pick? Its a secret lol
--------THE LAST 24 HOURS--------
1. Cried: Yes
2. Worn a Skirt: no
3. Met Someone New: Yes indeed i have
4. Cleaned A Room: Kinda
5. Done laundry: no i certainly havent
6. Drove a Car: rode in car
--------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------
1. Yourself:depends on what it is
2. Your friends: Yes, for the most part
3. Santa Claus: Yeah, just kidding,no i dont know
4. Tooth Fairy: in some form the tooth fairy is real
5. Destiny/Fate: nah
6. Love at first site: *Hells NO
7. Angels: Depends on waht you think is an angel
8. Ghosts: Hells Yeah
9. UFOs: why not
10. God:not sure