Great day

Jul 20, 2007 02:41

Today was a great day. At first a friend and then my boss called me to tell me that one candidate who had first right to "my hopefully future job" pulled back his application. So I have big chances to actually get the job.

Later we were out to the Skybar with a few friends. That's a bar on the top level of a parking garage in the middle of the city with a beach ambiance completely with sand and palm trees. We had lots of delicious cocktails. I had "Sex on the beach" two times and one Acabullco. I just love the names. *heee*

We then went to the cinema and watched "Die Hard 4.0". Damn, Bruce is still all sexy. And the bad boy was very, very handsome, too. I couldn't stop seeing resemblances to Dean though, and desperately wished to see him in that role. LOL.

Tomorrow we'll have diner over at my grandma's. I'm looking forward to that. I haven't seen her for a while now. I'm sure there's lots of stuff to talk about. *grin*


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