Oct 08, 2006 14:54
Ok I got this in an email but wanted to post it in lj... so here goes.
Type your cut contents here.Welcome to the 2006 edition of getting to know your friends. What you are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that you'll send. Change all the answers so they apply to you. And then send this to a whole bunch of people including the person who sent It to you. Put your name in the subject line. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends/family, if you did not know them already.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 10.00 ( what? This is my first sleep in for a long time!)
2. What did you have for breakfast? Skipped it... look above, and wasn’t hungry either
General Questions:
3. Favourite Restaurant? Oh anywhere that serves nice food, I’m not too fazed. At the moment I’m liking the food courts and the Burp place in Adelaide
4. What foods do you dislike? Carrots, eggplant ( I tried an eggplant when I was a child and got sick afterwards :\ ) I dislike finding ‘dirt’ in my prawns whenever I have them… I know, I’m that fussy when it comes to dirts in prawns. >. < But I just don’t like the concept of eating them with dirt in them!
5. What is your favorite meal? Chicken, hokkien noodles with some asian vegetables, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian goulash, nanna’s cheese damper topped chicken casserole dish (tres yummy!)… umm… what else… pocky, hello panda! Crackers, icecream.. oh god, ive too many favorites to mention!
6. Favorite ice cream? At the moment I’m loving coffee with chocolate swirled in it and almonds from home ice-cream as well as its mint ice-cream with chocolate swirled in it too, aswell as this banana split ice-cream from dairybell. I also love lemon callipo… I always enjoy my ice-cream/desserts!
7. Junk Food or Healthy? Both, however, im trying not to eat too much junk food nowdays.. ( and failing a bit when it come to chocolate!)
8. Favorite sandwich? Ham and cheese toasted sandwich, chicken sandwich and tuna sandwich. I also like them in rolls form too.
9. Your favorite Potato chip? Smiths- Original, Kettle Honey Baked Ham, Thins’ Light n Tangy, Pringles… just to name a few, I have more than one favorite… naughty me!
10. Favorite Candy Bar? Club dark chocolate, boost ( boyfriend got me onto them when I noticed he sometimes have one, and I went and tried one… lol) and cherry ripe.
11. My 5 Favourite Movies?
v Nightmare Before Christmas
v Corpse Bride
v Labyrinth
v House of Flying Daggers
v Howl’s Moving Castle
12. What movies have you seen this month? DOA: Dead Or Alive
13. What is your favorite TV show? Stargate, Charmed and Buffy when all three were on, Iron Chef (Japanese show), Wicked Science
14. What is your favorite song at the moment? I have more than one at the moment which includes “ Thousand Words” from Final Fanasty X-2, “Simple and Clean” from Kingdom Hearts series and “ Soramimi Cake” song from Azumanga Daioh!.
15. What are you listening to right now? Absolute quiet… it’s 11.33 here guys..
16. What is your favorite sound? Music, Taekwon do sounds, my boyfriend’s voice ( insert mushy sentiments here hehe)
17. Last person you went to dinner with? Lunch actually, my boyfriend came over yesterday to see me ^_^
18. Favorite sport to watch? Taekwon do, Winter Sports, other martial arts.
Everyday Life
19. Favorite brand of clothing?
At the moment it’s Target, Kmart, Suzanne Grae, Rockmans, Supre, Cotton On and Jays Jays.
20. Favorite item of clothing? My black very low v necked jumper from jays jays or my racer back singlets from Supre or Cotton On, or the zip up cardigans from Cotton On!
21. What do you have in your bedroom? I have my double bed, my computer, my printer ( that’s not working) my paintings upon my wall and behind my desk, my tv with ps2 next to it, my dvds and ps2 games, my cd’s, my final fanasty x-2’s paine figure , clocks, my clay skull that I made, shelves, dresser, more paintings, mirrors, a cupboard, two wardrobes, more shelves, my bedside drawer-table, two chairs… and two storage boxes!
22. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? I don’t own a credit card, it causes too much debt ( smart with banking, but not so good with keeping money! Lol)
23. What do you do most often when you are bored? Put music on like Melissa does, or play on my ps2, or paint/drawing, do household chores, play on computer, spend time with boyfriend, read books, practise my taekwon do hyungs.
24. What is your favourite possession? My boyfriend! Lol, not only my boyfriend, but my dog, some paintings and photos, my ps2 and gameboy advanced sp…
25. List 5 items in your bag? At the moment, tons of books, ps2 games, dvds and cds ( dvds and cds back to library), my wallet, phone, and lots more! ( selling stuff tomorrow so id have more space in my room)
26. Favourite magazine?
27. Favourite book?
Oh god, ive too many! My books’ authors includes diana wynne jones, terry pratchett, j k rowling, anne rice, l j smith, george r.r martin, lemony snickets, traci harding and more!
28. Favourite animal?
Panda bear, king cobras. King Cobra actually isn’t aggressive or very poisonous but they do contain a lot of venom in their bodies.
29. Do you own any pets? My dog, Bella who happens to be a Tibetan Spaniel Cross
30. Disney or Warner Brothers?
Disney but I do like my animes aswell.
31. What is your favourite character from above answer? Mulan and Mushu, Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
32. What is your favourite Disney movie? At the moment, Pirates of the Caribbean series.
33. Lake, Ocean or river? I like the ocean aswell as river.
34. Favorite flower? I like Tulips.
35. Favourite game? I’m currently playing Magic: The Gathering (Card game), and Kingdom Hearts 2.
Personal Questions
36. What is your middle name? Lee.
37. Where were you born? Adelaide, South Australia
38. Favorite day of the week? Tuesdays, when I get to see my boyfriend, every second Wednesday, the weekend, again because I see my boyfriend!
39. Favorite time of day? Dinner time!
40. Eye color? Blue
41. How often have you changed the colour of your hair? I’ve had brown hair since birth, but its lighter now than when I was a very young girl, it used to be curly too. Before I often dyed it red but now I havent done any dyes to my hair lately
42. Nicknames:
Ice, IceLee, Lee, Dru, Cilla, Killa, Hawky, Hawkins, Genius, dru-dru, drug ( don’t ask me.. someone typoed dru and it stuck..) Tish, Witch, Candy, Candy-Cane, pumpkin ( when I was a kid) sweety, sweeky, cheeky, sweetie, and so many more!
43. Ever cried during a movie? Once, when I watched Diary of Anne Frank, at the end when she dies with her sister in the concentration camps, and then their father comes home from the camps to find that his wife and daughters wasn’t coming home.
44. What time do you go to bed at night? Like Melissa, I’m mostly in bed about 11pm-1am.
45. What is your best childhood memory? Acting in 1996, going on holidays to darwin and queensland, reading (I’ve been an avid reader since I was 3 or so! )
46. Funniest Memory? When on one of the primary school camps, Banjo ( one of the oldest boys) took a swing on the rope swing and fell into the muddy water below! He had to go home in his pj’s.. hehehe.. then in 2000, I was one of the light/sound directors for the school production and I was playing football backstage with the boys ( we wasn’t allowed to, but we did anyway) and I kicked the ball into their dressing room only to hit one of the mirror lightglobes! It was still intact. But wait for it. When I flicked the switch on, that lone globe did not turn on whilst the other did! I was going oh no! im in big trouble! The boys and I agreed not to tell mrs Geddie about it hehe. I have too many funny memories atm.
47. Are you a morning person or night owl? A night owl.
48. What shoe size do you wear? 6-7-8, basically the same as Melissa!
49. What did you want to be when you were little? An artist.
50. What is your favorite colour? I like red, black, and purple. I wear greens aswell.
51. What is your favorite place in the world? Bedroom, duhhhh!
52. What is your favorite place you like to relax in/at? Anywhere calming really, be it the bathroom or bedroom or outdoors!
53. What was your stupidest childhood lie? I don’t remember any!
54. Piercing? My ears but the left one closed up ;_; I have to get it redone soon.
55. Where would you want to retire? Anywhere my boyfriend wants to, if we are still together by retiring age etcera!
56. Any where in the world on vacation, where would you go? Japan, Korea, China, England, Scotland, Wales, Poland ( for boyfriend), and Russia.
57. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I think egg.
58. What is the stupidest thing a person has said to you? A blonde friend asking me years ago “ are you pregant?” when I was sick. I retorted with “For Christ’s sake, I’m not the virgin Mary!” lol
59. Do you believe in God? I believe He does exist, but I do not worship him, I simply respect him and the other religion’s gods and goddesses. I prefer the old ways ( pagan ways) because there are more than one god or goddesses. I respect even the Isam, the Koran’s ways because everyone are raised to believe in more than one way.
60. Finish this sentence: I may be an adult but I still love... toys! I’m just a big kid I know, and I also love my books and games! hehe
61. Who would like to play you in a movie of your life? Gosh that’s a tough one… ill have to get back to you on that one!
62. What characteristics do you despise in a person? I don’t like it when people spread rumors or backstabs others for their own benefits. I also dislike it when someone cheats on someone else.
63. Who is your biggest idol? I really don’t have one, but I like Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman, and Drew Barrymore.
64. If you were stuck on a desert island, who would like to be with you? My boyfriend of course!
65. If you could marry anyone who would it be? My boyfriend, duuuuh!
66. What were you doing 5 years ago? That was 2001, and I was in year 11 aswell, studying more about backstage work, being in young achievements Australia, being quiet etcera.
67. Long letters or short? Any length, since it’s the thought that counts.
68. I hate... animal cruelity, abuse to women and children, political bagging, discrimination.
69. I love... animals, reading, painting, doing taekwon do, my boyfriend, spending time with family and friends.
70. What is something you wish to reveal that is embarrassing?
I have a birthmark near my bottom, and I was teased at school for it, because it is brown colored…. Enough said! ( I have too many embrassing things to recall !)
71. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? Spam mail.
72. Who did you last get a phone call and sms from? I got a text message from boyfriend during this afternoon.
73. When was the last time you had a good day out? Wednesday, I met up with my boyfriend and our friends and shopped around the city, had lunch together before I went back to boyfriend’s and his family’s place for dinner.
74. How many people are you sending this Email to? To my LJ so the number is indefineable.
75. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? My friends of course, aswell as boyfriend! :p
76. Who do you least expect to reply the meme? James.
77. People you expect to send their own version to LJ first? Dave (boyfriend) definetly, who know who else'd reply!
78. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? Not at the moment, but ask me again in 2-3 months when I go for my blue belt in Taekwon do
79. How much do you like these quizzes? They’re alright but time consuming!
80. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Melissa… funny, nice, short like me! Um… quirky! ( in a good way…)