Jun 11, 2005 22:08
hey all!
just got back from the dance recital... well two.. so busy!
we werent allowed to use any fricken flour this time and i was sooo fricken pissed... and sorry to say it but steph was being so bitchy about it so i was forced to yell and its kinda bad when i yell... lol
so we were getting ready and olivia and i were in our hugemungo fort and all of a sudden thousands of little girls swarmed us and our fort and were ripping thro bags of girly things, OLDER girly things that they should not have been flinging around etc etc... so olivia and i had to bribe them to leave by giving them other ppls food and saying that they were cool by leaving... it worked pretty well tho... only this one girl would not stop pulling on my skirt!! i was like, "get off me u little perv!" and shes like, "ur really pretty mary!" and i was like, "HOW DO U KNOW MY NAME!?! stalker!!!!" and she was like 5 so i guess i overreacted a bit.. but still it was annoying.. and she wouldnt let me get dressed! she just stood there and i was like, "um can u leave? i need some privacy..." and she just stood there! it was creepy!
so then another time... sammy had this new hair straitner and it was left on by someone (eh emm... LEAH!) and i grabbed the heaters and my hand sizzled and stuck to it and i had to literally unstick my hand from it and then i was trying to hard not to cry becaz i didnt want to ruin my makeup... and sam is such a good best friend caz she was INSTANTLY there with an ice pack... i mean instantly... shes awsome... and so then sam told me that it was on the highest setting, whcih is 475 fricken degrees of hell.. it hurt so bad...
ew a huge bug just landed on me! i killed it... and now i kinda feel bad.. mhh, whatever..
so during our dances i didnt mess up and im so happy but still wicked bummed about not blowing the flour.. someone said that it was funny caz we were wearing 8 ball shirts and blowing powder off our hands.. which i think is hilarious!
so i drank some red bull after a while when i felt too tired to move, and olivia was making me laugh so hard, but then i felt drunk and had to lay down in front of the fan for a bit..
so then i got my ten year trophy and that stupid little girl was tapping my shoulder the whole time and im like, "yea i see u!!" and when sally gave me the trophy we both put on our fake, "i actually like this person" smile when in both our minds we were thinking, " i cant belive i have to touch this bitch!" haha, man i crack myself up..
so im tired and need to wash this 4 pounds of coverup/lipstick/eye shawdow/mascara/eyeliner/blush/lip liner/ shit off my face ... joy...
commento for me pleaso!