More kids? Gah!!!

Jan 06, 2006 21:49

Im finding, more and more as each day passes, that even though I gave birth to two children, I am actually "bringing up" a few more than that. In fact, strike that. Rather than bringing them up, Im dragging them towards behaving like grown ups, with them kicking and screaming all the way.

Now dont get me wrong. Im not talking about my own spawn here. They are proceeding along fine -reaching all milestones, developing personalities, learning right from wrong. I am, to say the least, exceptionally proud of these two (as every good parent should be).

No, no, they are not a problem to bring up at all.

The problem arises from my boyfriend and, more overly, one of his friends. The boyfriend (lets call him Beavis) is usually a pretty well behaved human being. Owns a company and does a pretty good job of not running it into the ground. I am quite proud of him. He does have this slightly irritating (and very childish) habit of always wanting to fart on me -NOT GOOD!!! Must get him out of that habit.

Beavis' friend (lets call him Butthead) is another matter altogether. At 25 years old, one would think this guy would have worked out the simplicities of life. Work, make money, pay bills and generally just try not to piss anyone else off. He does a pretty good job of this usually, but when Beavis and Butthead have anything to do with eachother (which is quite often since they consider themselves good, close friends), well, its like watching an unhappily married, old couple picking away at eachother.

Their behaviour is worse than that of your average 3 year old. They argue, they fight, they try and tell eachother how they should be living their lives. Today, it came to a point where I honestly thought Beavis was gunna throw a fist right into Buttheads jaw. Quite frankly, I wouldnt have been surprised if he did and I truly believe that both of them deserve a bit of a smack on the jaw :p

Worse than all that though is that they try and include me in their arguements -vying for my attention and trying to make me pick sides. I just tell them that I dont want any part of it and they are to sort it out for themselves.

Honestly! Sometimes grown men can be more childish in their behaviour than real children. Perhaps they just want their Mummies to control their lives and since she cant do that for them forever, they lose control of themselves. Damn males :p

Anyway, I guess I ought to go tend to my crying under 2 year old, then try and stir some shit between Beavis and Butthead, because Im sure they're due for another fight, and at least that way, if they do start up, I can have more to write about in another session :p
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