Jun 21, 2005 16:04
Here’s something really cool, fan e-mail I got. I wanted to post it on the mWo web site but after thinking about it I believe that the Live Journal is a better spot for it.
“Dear Dr. Black,
First let me say that I have the utmost respect for the fine job you are doing for the MWO. I recently attended my first event at the rather constant urgings of one of the fine young ladies who attends. They want your recall because they are indeed afraid of you, you won't cave in to them or lick their boots.
However, it was Julius Ceaser who made the comment about enemies.
I look forward to seeing you at Slam-A-Thon.
My reply:
“Mr. M. Smyth (AMELUS),
You do have fine Taste and Great Judgment. I Quoted a Movie because The Power Trip wouldn't know who Julius Ceaser was. They would know Blade from the Movies, but I don't believe they know that he is also started as a Marvel Comic Book. The Power Trip act like we are still in High School thinking that because the Football Team said so then the whole school will follow. This is not High School! This is the mWo and I've worked to hard for these Bozos to kill my plans.
I happy that you had a great time. I'm looking forward to meeting you at Slam-a-Thon 2 on June 25 at Terri's.
Thanks you for the kind words.
Doctor Tonei Black, President of Event Operations for the Michigan Wrestling Organization.”
What a weekend! Some shit went down here at the house. I walked up to the local gas station Friday and when I got home Tobias and Michael pull in to go over to Levi’s house and set up the ring. I went for the ride and to hang out with the guys. Before they pulled in the kids down the street thrown some rocks at Tobias’ car and he backs up and freaked them out. I guess when Toby talk to them they dropped the rocks and run off. Great Job Toby. Freak out some kids and get the people down the block to hate me. I got live here you Bozo.
Man I had a blast over Levi’s. There was Toby, Michael, Levi, his Wife, Souless, his soon to be wife (this week), Nightshyft, Bu-bu, Andrew Steele, Boris, his girlfriend, and myself. Then Jason, and Alex Steele stop by later and if I forgotten anybody I‘m sorry. We played dodge ball most of the time. Levi showed me his home which he dose has a nice place. The ring was too big to fit into the garage and we packed it back up. I’m going to be doing Levi’s Internet Radio show, and I’m so looking forward to that.
Got home to find my basement fill of sewer water and had to call City Sewer the next day. I came home to the Microwave being off and knew I blow a fuse. So I went downstairs to flip the switch and the floor was black and moving. Turning on the flashlight I had with me I see I’ve got at less six inches of water on the floor then I looked to my left and there was the biggest pile of Shit. It was gross! I’m talking smoke butts, corn, toilet paper, and a smell that would make a catfish in the Flint River sick. So I had to flip the fuse but I didn’t want to get my shoes trashed and going barefoot down there is total out of the question. So I went back upstairs and got two oversize garbage bags. Rolled up my sweats, step into the bags, taped them around my belly, and headed back down the steps. Thinking to myself that when I die of the electric shock from standing in a pile of pissed water and flipping switches off a live fuse box is this how I want to be found? So gabbing the Gas Main and stepped up on a hangover that is over the floor and open the fuses box and looked for the one to click back to life.
After finding our winner, and checking the rest I got off the overhang and headed to the side window for a way to release that funky smell that was overtaking the house. It was one of the longest trips I ever walked. Praying that the bags would not rip open and people’s body juice would welcome itself into the safe zone I put together. Got the window open and I started back to the stairs. Well kids, I made it without getting sewer water all over me. I guess God wasn’t watching, or he was already messing with someone else.
Next day I called City Sewer and had them to come out. These guys do a good job, but this the last time I’m using them and would say that it not a good ideal that you call them. Here is why I said that. Tim the guy who came over took $87.00 from my house. He ripped me off. I didn’t see him pick it up and put it in his pocket but he was the only one in my house that morning. I called his boss on Monday and finial got back with me on Tuesday afternoon. He said he needs to talk to Tim and he’ll get back with me. I fill that I may been kissed off. Not really sure, I’ll have to wait and see if he gets back with me. All I know is that money was a bill payment and the rest was to do till the end of June. Now I’m fucking broke, and Toby and Draven show up at my place wanting me to go to Levi’s to watch Raw. They told me that they plan to gab a Pizza and I couldn’t do that because Tim took my money. I not going to show up at someone’s house knowing that you need to help pay for food and say “I don’t have any Money.” like every Christian I ever had to deal with. If some takes you somewhere far over 15 miles then you help with gas. If you go to someone’s home that not for dinner then food and or beer is ordered - you always put money in. You pay your own way. Nobody is to give you a free ride and you do not take something that you didn’t pay for. If you show up at my house then those are the rules. I will not go over to someone house and be the guy who get everything and pays for nothing, and my friends hopefully will be the same way.