Aug 03, 2006 13:44
I know it has been a long, long time since I have really posted,so here goes, a bit of a "catch-up" on ELijah.
On the 4th, i mean 5th of July we went to the downtown Henderson riverfront to watch fireworks/listen to local artists sing and there were some clowns mingling in the crowd and one of them walks up behind us and Elijah gives this guy the most serious face then just a plain as day as if to say "Hey, get away from me, I Do not like you" he sticks his tongue out at him.
His new favorite phrase is "No Way" the other night I guess he didn't like his skin tone, so he decided to try to paint himself and endedup having to have 2 baths inone day. He has also decided that when he wants to go outside that he "has to go to work". Its been a great summer, I'm ready to start sub-teaching though so maybe I can get him some nice stuff. K, I'm kinda brained out right now I'll post more later.