Ring... Ring...
"Is your furnace running?"
Yes, we know the punchline of the joke. However, in our case, it has actually run away. As in gone. In June it seemed like such a good solution to an unpleasant kitchen design issue. Now in late October, well, I better get cracking!
There really isn't a deadline, just windows of increasingly unpleasant probability:
- Cold enough to be distinctly uncomfortable.
- Cold enough that my feet stick to the metal tub when I try to take my morning shower.
I've been thinking about the design for a while, but after a certain point, it just needs to be done. Time is short. Better is the enemy of good enough.
Close to gas meter.
Close to exterior wall for venting.
Centrally located.
Away from bedrooms due to noise.
Ease of access for installation.
Visible so I can show off my artistic installation.
The reality:
My time is expensive.
Project time is short.
So I open up the floor and jump down to scout locations. Ease of access is a biggie. I don't have a problem crawling in the appropriately named CRAWL space. However, I will probably make 100+ round trips, often with heavy objects. Minimizing the amount of time I spend in a cave dwelling, knuckle-dragging posture is important to me.
I have located a spot. It does not optimize all the criteria, but enough. The micro boiler is leveled and mounted - after evicting much foam insulation overspray. As well as spiderwebs...