Dec 06, 2002 23:30

well, my 8 1/2 mth old is walking!
he and i were hanging out in the den tonight and he was standing there by himself, so i put my arms out, expecting him to kneel and then crawl to me, as per usual...
instead, he took about 4 steps, fell (actually, he kinda fell on my belly), stood up, took 4 more steps, then leaned into me.
i consider that "taking your first step."

i've tried like 4 or 5 times to wake shawn up to tell him, but he will NOT wake up - he just nods at me, which means he's still asleep.

logan is in bed now - he went to sleep about 5 minutes after walking.
(actually, after he took those steps, he leaned on me [i was kneeling], undid my belt [ya know, pulled it outta the loops and undid the buckle - lol], and then started rubbing his eyes like a tired boy.)

so we now have a walker.
first steps taken around 1050pm on dec. 6th.

i knew he'd be walking soon.

i'm sooooo proud.
i know shawn'll be, too, when he wakes up.
wish he had been awake to see it...
...thats ok, though, b/c i know my big boy, and he'll be practicing it tomorrow.
he's gonna be learning to run by xmas - lol.

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