Sinking 09/10 - Oz: Beecher/Murphy

Feb 25, 2017 16:32

by Dr Squidlove

Beecher didn't fuck up his parole buying drugs for Bonnie. Yay, everything is awesome! Only... he's maybe not handling his parole as well as other people think he is. Meanwhile, Sean Murphy's been pining after Tim McManus for too damned long. Even so, the two of them hooking up for a blow job is about the worst idea possible.

Beecher/Murphy, with sidelines in Beecher/Keller and McManus/Murphy
Rated R for considerable amounts of fucking.

Wordcount this chapter: 2726
Total wordcount: 29 000-ish

Oz and all its characters are the property of Tom Fontana and HBO. I make no profit, and intend as little infringement as I possibly can.

Sinking 9/10
by Dr Squidlove

In chapter 8, Sean's self-satisfaction in getting away from his affair with Toby and returning to normal life was punctured when Keller asked him to go check on Toby. (Clearly not knowing what usually happened when Sean checked on Toby.) Of course, Sean did check in, but luckily detoxing Toby was too repulsive to be a temptation. Sean was, however, inspired to circle some job ads for Toby. Keller sort-of-thanked Sean for checking, and gave him a little peek of humanity.
Tim let out that he'd hooked up with yet another female staffmember, and Sean was totally fucking over Tim being a pussy hound.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sean rejected the call on his phone, and stuck it back in his pocket. Tim had gone silent for a few days, but he was back, pestering Sean to call him.

He hadn't planned to come here again. Keller had tried to ask, and Sean had shut him down before he finished the question. But here he was. And he was just going to check in, make sure Toby was sober, but Toby opened the door and wandered back into the house. Apparently if Sean wanted to check in, he was going to have to come after it.

Sean took a breath and stepped over the threshold. It smelled a hell of a lot better than last week. The last time he came inside this place, he ended up sucking Toby's cock. First step in a long fast slide. The bedroom door was ajar, and that quiet huff said Toby caught Sean looking. He was keeping his pants on this time.

The stench of detox had faded. The place was tidy enough, fresh dishes from what looked like a real meal by the sink, job classifieds on the table. Sean had been through those same classifieds himself, looking for something in security that didn't make him want to kill himself before he started. He hadn't had a lot of luck.

"How you doin', Toby?"

"Just great, Sean."



"I wanna play those kinds of games, I got a whole prison full of smart-asses. Are you keeping sober or not?"

"Yes." He bit off the word like it was Sean's dick.

"Have you seen your kids lately?

"Saturday to Sunday." Sadness chased away the attitude, and for a moment Sean wanted to reach out to squeeze Toby's shoulder. "Harry and I spent Saturday helping the gardener set out the plants for Mother's new garden. It was nice."

"Sounds nice."

Toby shot him a glare.

Sean hovered. He didn't want to make himself at home, didn't want to invite anyone to be crossing any kinds of boundaries, but he'd come here to be sure Toby was on his feet.

"How are they doing?"

"They're okay. Mother thinks Holly needs more friends, so we're starting her on dance classes."

"That's nice." Sean looked around, wondering what he was waiting for. Toby was sober. Sean needed to get out. He nodded at the newspaper on the counter. "See anything worth trying for?"

"Wendy's is hiring."

"Nothing wrong with Wendy's."

Toby gave him a dead-eyed stare.

It had been a joke, sort of. "You did dumbass clerical work for Sister Pete for five years. That's gotta beat pushing carts." Most of what Sean circled for him the other day was data entry and secretarial stuff.

"Spending all my days in a five-by-five cubicle? I'm not sure it does."

"You like being outside?" Of course he did. "Have you thought about-"

"What are you, my camp counsellor?"

No, he wasn't, but Toby needed one. "You being honest with Keller, this time around?"

"Not about everything." There was a dangerous light in those eyes. No, Sean didn't want Toby to be completely honest.

If Toby was done with drinking, Sean wondered if that meant he was done with slutting around. A life of chastity, while Keller rotted away inside? Did they really think that was going to last?

"Why aren't you living with your kids?"

"Move back home with my mother?"

He meant the kids moving in with Toby, but maybe custody wasn't so clear-cut. Sean needed to stop pretending he understood the mess of Toby's life. "A little motherin' sounds like just what you need." At least it would be harder for him to sneak out to the bar.

Toby snorted. "Do you have any idea what that house is like? You think they filled the place with balloons when I came home? I missed my father's funeral by three days."

He'd forgotten Toby's old man's murder had overlapped with him getting paroled. "Must've been some homecoming." That had been a complete shitstorm at work. A dink was one thing, but a big-time lawyer being gutted in a back corridor was something else. Warden Glynn had looked like paler than Sean when he got out of the meeting with Toby's ma and the family lawyer.

"Mother could hardly look at me. Holly had stopped talking again. Harry cried all day because he wanted to go home to Gen's parents."

"Your ma blame you?"

"Of course not. She doesn't blame me for any of it."

Maybe she blamed Keller. Maybe that's why she'd gone in for that visit, to tell Keller that Toby's father died for him. Would that have moved Keller? Did his feeble humanity stretch as far as Toby's family? Sean swallowed the secret back. "So you're doing this to punish yourself?"

"You're boring the shit out of me, Sean."

There was a chance for Toby to be one of Oswald's success stories. God knew most of those guys didn't have any hope of changing, but Toby - either he was gonna pull himself together and be a father to his kids, or he was gonna self-destruct in a blaze of fire. Sean was realising how much he needed to see someone rebuild their life out of Oz. Some proof that his job could mean something, even if it was just once in a while.

"You could do better if you tried leaning on someone."

"Trusting hasn't really stood me in good stead."

"How about you trust your ma? Trust your kids. Stop making excuses to let them all down."

Toby snarled, finally out of patience. "Look, either take your pants off or go home. I want my head shrunk, I'm sure I can do better than a hack."

"Toby..." Every time they got into an adult conversation, Toby had to drag it back to this. And every time, Sean's cock sprang for it.

Toby unbuckled his belt. "Why don't you just give me a blow job?"

A blow job sounded like a great idea. Sean could practically taste it. "Toby..."

That hesitation was enough for Toby to see straight through him. He shucked his pants down to his thighs. "You think I'm playing head games, but you're the one pretending he doesn't want it."

"I'm just trying to do the right thing, here." He'd promised himself that was going to stop. He'd walked away once; he could do it again.

"It's a blow job, not advanced legal ethics. Nothing we haven't done before." He was standing there arguing with his half-chub hanging between them like it was nothing

"Before I didn't know your boyfriend had a violent jealous streak."

"Yeah, you did."

Yeah, he did, but it was a useful thing to remember. Other men who'd touched Toby's cock were dead. "Guess I'd better be going then."

Toby just stroked himself, with a smirk that said he knew Sean was gonna cave in. Not gonna happen. Not again. Sean summoned his will and let himself out without a goodbye.

He was done. He heaved a sigh as the cool night wrapped around him. He'd resisted temptation, walked away from the best sex he'd had. He could have enjoyed one last reckless, selfish, neighbour-waking fuck, but he'd cut himself off. It was the right thing to do.

He'd just reached his car when he felt his pocket vibrate. He pulled it out without thinking, and suddenly Tim's voice was in his ear, and that rock was back in his chest.

"Sean! I didn't think you were going to pick up."

He wished he hadn't. Shit. "Yeah. Well. I did."

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing, Tim."

There was a moment of silence, and then Tim launched in. "I don't get what's up your ass. So I like dating women? So what? What business is it of yours who I-"

Sean hung up.

He put his phone and his key in his pocket, and went back to knock on Toby's door. No answer. Sean knocked again, and waited, and then he hammered until Toby threw it open with a scowl. "Did you forget something? Your balls?"

Sean walked in. "Take your pants off."

"Maybe I'm not in the mood anymore."

"Who's playing games now?" Sean snapped off his own belt. "You're the horniest fucker ever to come out of Oz. Get your pants off and I'll make sure you blush every time you shift in your chair on visiting day."

They were both twisted fucks because Toby's pants had already hit the floor and Sean was going to lose shirt buttons if he didn't slow down.

Tim McManus could go to hell.

Toby was hopping around to get his socks off when Sean shoved his tongue in Toby's mouth and they grappled, teetering until Sean swept out Toby's legs and dropped them to the carpet right here in the living room. Toby thrust up under him, fighting back with his cock and he bit Sean's lip and Sean moaned. Sharp sweet pain filled Sean's cock and fed the animal inside.

He pushed Toby's knees apart with his own, spat in his fingers and smeared it up Toby's crack. "You ready for this?"

"Bareback, Sean?"

"Fuck." Sean dropped his head on Toby's shoulder. He hadn't even thought... A dangerous voice in the back of Sean's head was screaming to hell with it, feel that skin, fill him with come, but the last bits of sanity screamed back that this was a promiscuous gay convict with a needle habit. Still, he wavered. Oh, thank Christ, there was a condom in his wallet. Sean grabbed his pants and scrambled through, didn't know how old it was but Christ himself couldn't have got him as far as Toby's bedside table right now.

Sean ripped it out of its wrapper and rolled it on fast, hooked his arms under Toby's spread knees and grabbed his shoulders, splaying him on the floor like a turkey, lined himself up.

"Do you like that idea, Sean?" Toby's eyes were burning.


"My ass still feeling your cock when I visit Chris?"

"Yeah. I do." Sean wiggled around, Toby working with him until they found the spot and then Sean pushed. Toby's body resisted and the muscles in his neck were showing the strain. They hadn't prepped it at all and a gob of spit and the condom's slick wasn't enough but Toby was a slut; he could take it. Sean tightened his grip on Toby's shoulders and pulled him down as he pressed up. His cock felt like he was trying to drill solid rock, until it suddenly gave and Sean popped inside, barely hearing Toby's grunt as his ass locked down.

Sean waited, frozen. Too good to move, he could only push his face into Toby's damp neck and wait, savouring that asshole clamping painfully on his cock.

Minutes passed before Sean lifted up to see Toby, grimacing. Even that turned Sean on right now. "You like this. When it hurts."

"Everything good hurts." Toby's voice rasped.

Toby was fucked up and Sean was only making it worse but the beast inside him only wanted. So in he pushed. Toby's teeth gritted as he wiggled to help it along. Sean was entranced by Toby's straining face, by the shameless way he was spread out over Sean's arms, as desperate to give it as Sean was to take.

Slowly, slowly grinding their way together until Sean was balls-deep and Toby was panting in satisfaction. Nobody had ever felt so deep or tight on Sean's cock; if he moved a fraction, this was gonna be all over. So he leaned in and they kissed, thick and wet, Toby's long tongue wrapping around Sean's, breathing inside each other.

Sean pulled back and pushed in, couldn't believe how good this felt. Toby moaned right along with him. And then Toby's eyes rolled down to meet his. "Bet you get hard strolling through Em City, thinking about where your dick's been, don't you?"

Sean just shoved in, harder this time. Kept on thrusting so Toby's taunts came out in pieces.

"Bet it makes - meetings go - faster - with McManus - and Glynn - and Sis - ter Pete - them thinking you're - the good hack - and you - thinking - about sucking - my cock."

Fuck, yes.

"Do you like - sitting up at - the control desk - looking down - on Chris and - remembering - how good - you fucked me?"

"Yeah. I do." Sean leaned close, pausing to murmur in Toby's ear. "Do you think about where my cock's been when you see him?"

"Of course I do."

Christ. Sean held still to keep control. He couldn't ask if Toby got his rocks off over savouring the secret, or at imagining Keller beating Sean to death in a jealous rage.

"You won't be able to help thinking of this fuck next time you visit." Sean pulled out carelessly and flipped Toby over onto his knees and elbows on the floor. Toby's hole was gaping. Sean gave him a little more spit but this time he slid in easy, this time he could get a grip on Toby's hips and jackhammer him.

Toby was gasping. "Didn't know you had this in you." He was heaving his body back onto Sean's, so greedy for it that they couldn't find their rhythm. Toby twisted and Sean came all the way out.

"Fucks' sakes, just let me fuck you!" In a burst of frustration Sean slapped his ass and Toby hissed a 'Yessss!'. He liked that shit. Fine with Sean. He slapped it harder and squeezed the spot until Toby moaned, and then he dug his fingers into Toby's hips and slammed in and Toby howled, bucking like a horse.

Sean put a hand on Toby's back and pushed down until Toby's chest hit the floor, ass in the air. Sean slapped him again and pinched where he'd hit, and then he dug his fingers into Toby's hips and got back to fucking him.

Sweat was running down Sean's neck and the carpet was burning his knees and the force of his pounding was driving Toby across the floor so Sean had to keep hauling him back.

He'd never fucked anyone like this and he didn't know why because it was incredible. Nothing mattered but this steady hard fuck and maybe the sweet end getting closer. Sean's balls were tight, just waiting for that tipping point.

He imagined Chris Keller knowing Toby's ass gaped wide for Sean's cock.

He imagined Chris Keller throwing himself against the glass of his pod when he learned Sean had fucked Toby like this on the floor of the home he'd never get to see.

He imagined Tim getting to see that Sean could be wild in the sack, that Sean could fuck like this, that someone else wanted him, that Toby wanted to give himself up to Sean like Tim never could, and the climax ripped through him, roared through him, whited out his vision and froze him.

Until Toby broke his moment by shoving back and yelling, "Come on, fuck me," and Sean realised his work wasn't done. He had just enough left in him to keep thrusting, too much on his raw cock, but he pushed in and growled in Toby's ear, "You think he can smell another man on you?"

An animal moan echoed off the walls as Toby went over the edge, fingers clenching, body shuddering, ass clamping, Sean holding on, Toby's moan stretching out into a wheeze as he finally face-planted into the floor.

Sean rolled off, panting, staring up at the ceiling.

He rubbed his face. "Jesus." He was lying on the carpet ten feet inside Toby Beecher's house.

"I didn't know you were as fucked up as the rest of us."

"I'm not..." Sean couldn't even look at Toby as he said it. "At least I'm not proud of it."

He pushed himself up on an elbow. Toby's chest was red where it had rubbed across the carpet. Not as bad as Sean's knees but... shit, Toby's knees were raw.

Toby saw where Sean was looking and chuckled. "Not gonna be kneeling to suck cock for a while."

Sean snorted. This was insane. "This isn't the guy I wanna be."

"And yet here you are."

end 9

beecher/murphy, ozfic

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