Someone Like You
by Dr Squidlove
drsquidlove @@@
Oz/Law & Order: SVU crossover
Tobias Beecher's trying to rebuild his family in the shadow of the man he was in prison. Elliot Stabler's struggling to continue in the wake of divorce while his job eats away at his soul. It makes for an odd friendship, but it works.
Someone Like You, chapter 62: Golden )
I loved the cuddling on the couch and everyone getting along, or at least making an effort to, and the clandestine kiss that Maureen witnessed. I was half expecting this to be the moment where Toby decides to announce to everyone how he used to be a heroin addict, but thankfully you just let everyone be. :D
Horny!Toby is hilarious! Loved his internal dialog throughout.
Elliot came up a couple of steps and kissed him, just a brush of lips, and then a gentle nuzzle along Toby's sensitive jaw. "You look sexy."
I had a sudden flashback to Oz, when Toby comes back from visiting with Harrison, and Chris says "You smell sexy" and grabs his dick. Once again, a parallel that illustrates how different Elliot and Chris and their situations are, yet Toby still manages to antagonize each of them shortly after both of these moments.
But you know what I liked best about this chapter? Elliot and Toby being able to (more or less) communicate through the awkwardness of Toby's "joke", until they at least seemed to be on the same page with one another, and maybe actually being able to understand what the other is thinking. Toby needs to understand how Elliot sees and feels things, whereas Elliot needs to remember where Toby is coming from, and they both need to not let those thoughts overwhelm them. And they seem to have reached that point.
Or maybe I'm overanalyzing. :D
You are so totally and completely welcome -- I wish I had been better about leaving feedback after every chapter, because each one is certainly a jewel on its own, and you deserved it. I"m so looking forward to your last chapter, even though it will be bittersweet.
Although, I'm warning you, if you've got some kind of Fontana-esque ending planned, consisting of a tear-stained trail of destruction and broken hearts, I've got a shank sharpened and ready to go... :D
Nah, not over that you mention it I see the parallels too..
Thank you vanillalime!
You're not alone. Rose was awesome. But it was Blanche that I wanted to be when I grew up. And Dorothy that I actually grew up to be, and am quite happy with that.
No, no, no, I thought I was clear on that: Toby's saving his heroin addiction for Christmas. Maybe in response to finding out Elizabeth smoked a joint. He'll be a real team player in Stabler family issues.
Yeah, you had to feel for Toby, didn't you? I'm sure with Chris, all Toby had to do was undo a button, or raise an eyebrow, and bam, sex. Elliot's going to be a little more complicated.
Huh! So, the parallel was kinda intentional. In that I was definitely going for the deja vu on Toby ruining things, but I hadn't realised I echoed that specific scene. So that's really cool.
And yes, that's what I wanted, so w00t! You are not overanalysing: you are insightful! Much like with Holly, I wanted to show all the issues are not cured, or forgotten, and they're not exactly on the same page, but that they're getting a foothold on how to work through them, or around them. Like I said on the last chapter, I find 'in the process of building' endings far happier than 'happy ever after' endings.
~sigh~ But see, I'd really *love* to write a Fontana-esque ending, but I can't. Partly because I want Toby to get fucked in the ass. Partly because if Toby had skiied into a tree and died, I'd *have* to write the next ten chapters where Elliot and Holly bond into a bittersweet father-daughter relationship (obviously with the relationship still having some rough edges that we could see they had a foothold on working through). But oh, what a gloriously heart-rending scene it would be, where they find some symbolic way to let him go into the past together so they can build their future without him. Not at his grave, that's too cliche... Oh, maybe they could cook an important meal together! Yes, that's totally how it would happen, and it would be a reader cry-fest.
Crap, now I wish I killed Toby.
Nah, because then you'd be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.
*picks up shank and heads to storage closet*
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