Someone Like You
by Dr Squidlove
drsquidlove @@@
Oz/Law & Order: SVU crossover
Tobias Beecher's trying to rebuild his family in the shadow of the man he was in prison. Elliot Stabler's struggling to continue in the wake of divorce while his job eats away at his soul. It makes for an odd friendship, but it works.
Someone Like You, chapter 53: Headaches )
I hope he can.
Oh, sahem, I am so happy you're along to offer thoughts like this. Seriously, you don't know how happy this comment makes me. It's a thread I've had running in the background from the start, but it has less nudity so it's less noticeable than some of the other threads. :-) I'm so glad you've picked it up.
This has been one of the very rare story titles I've been genuinely happy with. It's got that obvious meaning, but it also works with so many perspectives on so many characters.
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