Favourite five meme

Nov 16, 2008 00:13

I did say this journal was for posting fic only, but I am going to sneak in a quick meme, and promise such things will be rare. antennapedia tagged me, and I am her humble slave. And kim, too. Also: awesome new icon.

My favourite of my stories. Not necessarily the best, but my favourites.

But really, my favourites tend to be the ones I think are best, anyway. I'm most satisfied with my writing when I feel it's deep and themey, with what I think are complex characters, and it feels more like the real world than the fanfic one. Also, when I feel like I've done something different to the fandom usual.

Sustained Flight (Velvet Goldmine: Curt/Arthur, Arthur/omc) 2002
(After VG, Arthur goes home to his lover, but the taste of his glam youth has made his closeted life unbearable.)
That I managed to write a VG that feels like VG still makes me all puffed up and proud. I love the themes and awkwardness of the movie, how every character's experience is unique: no villains, no heroes, except sometimes in each others' eyes: just a bunch of people who lived very different PsOV of the glam rock era. Fanfic often simplifies it: Evil!Brian, Closeted!Arthur, Victim!Curt. I think I managed to do something with the yearning, and the unfinished business in Arthur's life, without trivialising the life he had in the 1980s. That's what I was trying to do. I think this is the first story I wrote where I played around with gay identity, and I really enjoyed that.

Absumption (Star Trek Voyager: Janeway/Paris) 1999
(In the episode Timeless, Voyager crashed, but some of the crew survived.)
I love this firstly because I was a passenger: it spilled out like I was reading it. I had some ideas about where it was going, but I was totally surprised by most of the twists. And secondly, I love the cold numbness of working through a devastating crisis. I enjoy reading/watching post-apocalypsy things, characters getting on with survival when their world has fallen apart, and I kind of read/watched as I wrote this. "Chicken or tomato soup?" is one of my favourite lines ever.

Thaw (TPM: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) 2003
(Years into Obi-Wan's knighthood, Q & O talk a lot.)
I like this because it's way, waaaay out of the fanfic norm, far closer to who I see onscreen. The boys aren't oversexed - in fact Obi-Wan doesn't like it at all - and sex doesn't cause, fix or sustain their relationship. They're people with strengths and insecurities. Obi-Wan has some very personal elements of mine, and some ways in which he's very different to me, and I'd love a Qui-Gon who was this good at answering the questions, someone with whom I had this much trust.

Giles Thing (Buffy: Giles/Xander) 2006 - ongoing
(18yo Giles is propelled into s3 Sunnydale, bringing sex and chaos to Xander's life. Then Xander notices that Giles improved with age.)
Figuring out relationships is complicated business. And I feel like this story puts in the time, for that. Not so much with what I've posted so far, but with the upcoming parts. And I don't know if I can count this on unposted parts, and not count a totally unposted story that I think I like better, but whatever. I like what I've done with Xander's family, giving them some depth. And negotiating the age difference stuff, instead of just using it as a stumbling block to starting the relationship. Also, it's fun. I really enjoyed writing Xander in a panic over Ripper. And other bits.

Suspicion (TPM: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) 2005
(Ten years after Obi-Wan walked out on his trials, he shows up, working for a company Qui-Gon suspects of corruption.)
It was close between this and Are you there, Force? It's me, Obi-Wan. (See how I slipped that one in?) But Suspicion has plot. Like, a real, live, plot, and readers were guessing their way through the plot twists, which was the coolest thing ever.

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