Reckless 3/3 (Foursome)

Jun 10, 2008 23:45

Reckless 3/3: Xander
by Dr Squidlove
drsquidlove at

The final climax.

The outcome of the essence-mixing spell to defeat Adam is sheer, unmitigated, foursome orgy porn. Utter porn. Shamless piles of unpadded porn. There's no nutritional value whatsoever. Seriously, I don't think there's one entire paragraph of PG-13 to be found in here.


Part Three: Xander.

Rated NC-17 for sex.

Wordcount: 4000-ish this part, 13 000-ish total.

All the scoobies are the property of Joss and Mutant Enemy. They have not been used according to the instructions on the box.

1/3, and full headers if you missed it, here, and 2/3 here

And now, Reckless 3/3: Xander

The story so far... well, there wasn't one, but there was plenty of sex. Now: more coming.

Giles didn't take a breath the entire time. Nor after, as Xander knelt panting over her, still looking like he couldn't believe he was here, doing this. Willow drew a finger through the pool between her breasts, laughing.

Never, in all his misspent youth, had Giles seen anything so erotic. He was going to be getting off to this picture for the rest of his life. He wanted more.

Buffy beat him to it. Before he'd sat up, she was already sprawled beside them, flashing Xander a saucy smile and swirling her tongue in Willow's navel. He gaped at her, as she licked her way up Willow's belly to the spread of seed, to taste him.

Giles had to circle around to Willow's other side, to press his tongue against her. Willow giggled under them. Her shaking, her salt skin, and then Xander's sweet come, Buffy smiling at him between her own cat-like licks; this was decadence. He tasted sticky-sweet skin up to a rosy pointed nipple and took it in his mouth, teeth teasing, and then there was a hand in his hair, too large to belong to either of the girls.

He didn't react, for fear of scaring Xander away. The hand seemed to want him to stay, so he did, licking Willow clean with Buffy, tasting both of them on Buffy's lips when he paused to kiss her, Xander's fingers making circles against his scalp as their tongues slid against each other.

They drew apart, and Xander's cock was right there, by his chin, at half-mast but not done yet. If Giles turned...

He dragged his mouth back to Willow. So close; it would be so terribly easy to turn and press his lips to the shining tip, settle a hand on one of those tight round arse-cheeks and pull him deep, not let Xander hang back politely when Giles wanted his mouth full of him.

He mustn't scare Xander away. But by god, it was tempting.

From above, Xander's voice rasped. "Are we up to the hot girl-on-girl action chapter of the movie, yet?"

Girl-on-girl would be lovely. Man-on-man, though... This would be when he could, if he could. Xander's knee was pressed to Giles' ribs, and the rest of him was just behind, astride Willow's hips, within reach.

Buffy laughed, and looked across at Giles. "Sure we are." She looked at Willow, the pair of them smiling at each other for a second before coming together in a slow, deep kiss.

Giles almost closed his eyes as that hand in his hair tightened, but he didn't want to miss a second of it. And then the hand was gone, as Xander shifted off to the other side of Buffy to give them room, and Giles reluctantly drew away, as well.

Buffy touched Willow's breasts as they kissed, fingers playing up over her collarbones and down to her ribs, returning to the soft curve, her hand the perfect size.

Xander lay on the other side of them, head propped on his hand, already fully hard again. Watching the girls as shamelessly as Giles watched him. The girls were beautiful, but spectating wasn't what Giles wanted, now. He wanted Xander.

And the spell... If ever there was a chance to touch Xander, this was it. The four of them together, the two girls entwined, nothing too straight-threatening about Giles working his way around behind him and touching, a little.

Xander flashed a nervous glance over at him, as though hearing his thoughts, and looked back to the girls. This night was already going to be between them. Whether it was something they didn't do or something they did... Be hung for a sheep.

Willow's fingers were inside Buffy, thumb working her clit and Willow was glowing, Buffy gasping and twitching. Xander watched like he was preparing for the biggest finals of his life. He didn't feel Giles settle behind him, and he jumped when Giles whispered, "They're beautiful."

Xander grinned back at him. "Best spell ever."

Giles laid a hand on his hip, felt him freeze. He pretended to watch the girls, hand still, until Xander relaxed. "Is this all right?" He could have kicked himself, for giving Xander the chance to say no.

After a terrifyingly long pause Xander nodded, but he was staring at Giles' hand, uncertain. It was enough.

"Watch," Giles said, directing him back to where Willow was spreading Buffy open with her hands, dipping down for delicate licks.

It was cheating to use a distraction like that, but as long as Xander wasn't thinking about whose hand was sliding over his firm stomach and up his hairless chest, Giles was going to enjoy his chance. He was smooth, and his muscles were far too defined for someone who got more exercise avoiding gym than doing the classes. He'd made the swim team, Giles remembered, once half the team had devolved.

Willow reached up to pinch Buffy's nipple and Giles pinched Xander's, felt his entire body stiffen. Giles felt like he'd craved this forever, to find the smooth strong muscles under all those baggy clothes, to sweep his hands over Xander's golden skin, but it had been less than a year of long, useless afternoons, moments standing close enough to notice how good Xander smelled.

Here was his neck, only inches from Giles' lips. At last. This little stretch, where Xander's hair trailed off, the curve down to the muscle of his shoulder where he had been kissed by the sun; this was what Giles noticed first, one unremarkable afternoon, reaching past to slide a book on the shelf and there was this length of neck and the scent of shampoo and Xander seemed so much older than he had three minutes earlier when he was trying to convince Giles to file his books in order of size.

Xander was staring at his wandering hand with amazement. Giles wondered if it was that it was a man's hand, or that it was his own, that threw Xander. But he wasn't objecting, didn't seem to be forming an objection, so Giles let Xander's gaze follow his hand down to his thigh, and he was sure he heard him swallow. Giles' mouth was dry as well.

His first touch was just a single finger, a line lightly drawn up the length of him. So soft. Hot, and just slightly sticky, wet at the tip. That day Giles noticed Xander's neck, he never imagined that one day he'd be here, half-hard cock inches from Xander's naked arse, seriously contemplating how to close the gap.

But for now, it was Xander's cock that had his attention, the delicate stretched skin over the flared head, the faint line of vein that his finger was tracing back to the root. Xander was shaking, and Giles didn't think it was for the girls.

Buffy wanted to watch his mouth on here. He'd put on a show for her, show her how men sucked cock, let her see how thoroughly he could undo Xander, the sounds he could drag out of him. He'd make Xander so very loud...

His fingers tightened at the thought, and Xander's head turned, mouth opening, and Giles closed his hand around him before the protest could form. Xander's cock filled Giles' fist, and he jerked up in the grip, not caring whose hand it was, not when he had the girl-show that had teased his dreams for years playing out in front of him.

Willow was pushing Buffy's shoulder down, and Buffy was going, intimidated but willing. That was Buffy, never allowing herself fear once she'd put her mind to something. She held Willow open and took a good look, first, and that was enough to drive Xander's hips forward, pushing him into Giles' grip. Her first lick was tentative, but Willow smiled down at her. "Yeah."

Buffy settled in, more confident, long swipes and sometimes deeper ones, growing more curious as Willow moaned beneath her. Willow lay back, stretching her arms over her head, arching her back whenever Buffy found something particularly good. Judging by her cries, Buffy was just as talented at that as anything. He'd felt her mouth, now, and he didn't doubt it.

Could he have Xander's? Giles wondered if there was enough left in their spell that Xander might do it, forget himself so completely that he would wrap his pretty lips around Giles' cock? He'd accepted his touch, hesitation forgotten as he pressed wantonly into Giles' knowing hand, wanting more, but perhaps a little fellating would be more participation than Xander could handle.

Even this, being pressed up against him, hand on his cock, was more than Giles would ever have hoped for. He'd worked himself forward; Xander didn't even notice the first time Giles' chest hair brushed his back, or the second, or even when Giles squeezed him and pressed right up against him, skin to skin, and stayed.

Buffy went deeper, sliding two fingers up inside Willow, and Willow's legs wrapped around her shoulders, and Xander's hand wrapped around Giles', demanding more.

Giles wanted Xander to come. He wanted to watch with a front-row seat this time, but this would be the only time Giles made Xander come and he wanted to have all of him, wanted Xander to be feeling and seeing and breathing him and no one else, so he let go and pulled Xander's hand to his thigh, leaving his cock untouched. "Just watch."

Xander obeyed.

Just like that.

And Giles found a whole new list of wants. "Kneel." He tugged at Xander's arm and leg, probably hindering more than he helped Xander to twist onto his spread knees, sitting on his heels, and then he knelt behind him, pressed up tight with his thighs around Xander's, his chest against Xander's broad back, his face in Xander's hair.

Xander's hands had reached for his own cock but Giles caught them both and pressed them flat on Xander's thighs. Xander left them there, attention never wavering from the girls, where Willow had brought one hand up to hold Buffy's hair out of the way, so they could see her tongue, her wet face, Willow's shining clit. Buffy sat up and worked Willow with her hand, two fingers in and her thumb rubbing, and Xander started wriggling, the crack of his arse teasing Giles' cock, firm and promising. Giles wished he knew Xander had experience - he'd slick him up and pull him onto his cock right now, if he did. He'd be breathtakingly tight. Heart-stoppingly tight. God, it was tempting.

Slowly. "Kneel up," he whispered in Xander's ear.

Xander obediently shifted, arse rising and Giles dragged his hands back from his thighs, catching his wrists behind his back, and Xander let him, entirely pliable. Dear lord. Did he have any idea?

There was something disturbing about the way this power was tangling with the high, but having Xander restrained and aroused was tripping buttons Giles hadn't pushed in years. He drew his hand down Xander's shoulders and back, feeling the strength in him as he strained, but never resisted. Giles let his hand drift over Xander's crossed arms, down, to lightly brush his bare cheeks. Xander tensed, and his head started to turn, and stopped. Giles waited.

Xander didn't speak, and after a moment, he turned his head straight again. It was close enough to permission.

Giles tightened his grip and waited only a heartbeat, then brought his hand back to trace the inviting crack, finger dragging a little, firm enough for Xander to know this was what was happening next. Xander didn't relax, but he let him, even when Giles' finger came back wet, and slipped between sweat-damp cheeks.

There it was, what Giles wanted so badly it made him ache in his chest and his cock, deliciously tight and just rubbing there was enough to make Xander choke off a moan, the most beautiful sound Giles had ever heard. Not two feet from his oft-declared fantasy, and Xander was entirely distracted.

It made Giles smug and possessive. "Close your eyes." Xander made a tiny noise of protest, but Giles squeezed his wrists. "Listen to them."

And he did, leaning forward with his eyes shut as Willow's whimpers rose, not even opening them at Buffy's soft, "Wow."

He didn't know that the 'Wow,' was for them, Buffy seeing how Xander looked on his knees, restrained, chin lifted to bare his throat. She finally saw what Giles had been seeing this past year, the man Xander had become.

Just to be sure he had his attention, Giles sank his finger inside and Xander jerked against his grip, head turning so Giles could see he still had his eyes squeezed shut, entirely abandoned to Giles' touches. Giles pushed deeper and Xander's lips parted. He could barely move in there, but he pulled out and wet a second finger, and pressed both, fighting the sweet resistance until they squeezed inside and Xander choked out a gasp, catching his lower lip in his teeth.

Giles' cock would never fit in here. But as Giles allowed his hand just the slightest movements, Xander started pushing back, hips working with him. Such abandon... Giles had always wondered how easily, how completely Xander gave himself, but he'd never imagined it like this. Giving himself to Giles. Giles was going to take him.

Giles muttered under his breath and Xander's head jerked, eyes suddenly wide. Yes, he felt that. Magic hands, all over Xander's body, feeling deeper than skin. He tugged Xander's arms so he fell into Giles' lap with a cry, further onto his fingers. Now Giles could tuck his mouth into Xander's neck and whisper, "Do you feel me?" and he knew Xander would nod like this. So open. Giles wanted this side of Xander, stripped of his defences and willing... submissive. Just thinking the word made Giles harder, his grip tighter. Shouldn't play games with magic here, but Giles wanted. He wanted to tie him up, kneel him down, bend him over, make him silent, make him moan, make him wait, make him come. Giles ground his fingers deeper and Xander's entire body twisted, just two fingers and such response, Giles wanted to tell him, Just wait for my cock, just wait until I open this up with my cock.

"Do it," Xander whispered. A hand reached up to Giles' face, blindly pressing his cheek to Xander's. "Do it."

Not enough hands, one to hold him, one to slide inside, no hand left to squeeze his cock, to map his chest, to circle his throat and pin him back into the crook of Giles' neck. And he wanted. He could.

Words he hadn't uttered in years rolled out as easily as his own name, and Xander caught his breath as magical bonds locked his arms in place.

Giles could let go. He traced the arched spine, circled around to find the hollow of hip. Such beautiful skin. He locked his fingers on and dug a little deeper inside to find the place that would make Xander stiffen again. So easy. This was beyond his fantasies

Something bumped his knee. Lubricant. Buffy and Willow were watching them. They were entangled, and their mouths were wet, but their eyes were on Giles and Xander, and Willow was reaching out, condom already unwrapped in her fingers.

He had no idea how long they'd been watching. He hoped they'd seen all of it. He hoped they kept right on watching.

Xander wasn't nearly ready, but Giles couldn't wait. Not with Xander so easy in his hands, not with the hungry eyes of the girls begging him on. They wanted to see him buried in Xander as much as he wanted to be there, and Xander was waiting between them, blind.

Giles held their gaze as he reached forward between Xander's legs and drew his nails up his inner thigh so he'd open his mouth and moan for them. Buffy's mouth opened as well, and their eyes darkened, and Willow leaned closer with the condom.

He squeezed Willow's hand as he took it, felt a shot of power crackle up the nerves of his arm. God, yes. He was going to show Xander how good it could be to be taken by a man who knew how to fuck, and it wouldn't matter where he pigeon-holed himself when he was sober again.

Giles' fingers buzzed with magic and it made rolling the condom on a challenge in control, and that was nothing next to the overwhelming pleasure of closing his slick hand on his flesh. He couldn't hold back his whimper. He'd been neglected as long as Xander, who was turning back with a tiny frown between his closed eyes, wondering what was happening behind him.

He cottoned on as Giles pushed slippery fingers inside him, and suddenly he didn't look so certain at all. That only made it better.

He still went when Giles nudged him to lean forward, stayed in place as Giles shifted into a better position and spread his cheeks to see that dark, pinched hole. So breathtakingly easy. He allowed himself to be guided back down to Giles' straining cock.

So tight. Impossibly, too tight. Giles pulled his hips and Xander hissed at the pressure, finally starting to resist. Other words for that, sparkling, tingling words he rarely gave to Ethan, that would heat the way and soften the sting. Xander let go as the liquid warmth slipped through him, and eased slowly back onto Giles' cock.

Breathing had never needed concentration before. Suddenly it seemed to require six years' study and certification from an accredited university. Giles wasn't sure his heart was beating.

But there it was, in his cock, all the blood pumping straight down, every drop of life draining out of him to squeeze inside Xander's body.

It wasn't enough. Giles wanted, like something he needed was just out of reach, like a part of him was missing. He lifted them up, remembering just in time to cushion the fall, hearing Xander's cry as he spilled forward onto his shoulders and cheek, and shoved home. They cried out together.

Giles was spinning spells to stir their sensations, weaving magic over Xander's skin and tugging his nerves, feeling it sing in his own body. Xander was writhing under him, using his strength to test but never break Giles' grip, twisting and squeezing around his cock. Giles was higher than he'd been since his youth, crazed like he hadn't been since he and Ethan moulded chaos into pleasure and lost entire weekends to fucking.

Xander didn't have magic but he had something else, unidentifiable and addictive, that he'd tasted in their spell, and the memory of it was trickling back. Xander was the key to something, or everything

He buried his face in Xander's hair and breathed him into his lungs like he was doing lines off the nape of his neck, until Xander's head turned and their mouths crashed together and everything stopped.

Xander tasted of salt. His lips were soft. He was slick and wet inside. He was kissing Giles.

This was what Giles wanted.

Not magic. He broke the spells, the bindings and enhancers, so all that bound them was the remains of their joining. Giles had Xander inside him. Stubborn, fearful, courageous love.

Giles pulled out. He rolled Xander gently onto his back, seeing the momentary fear evaporate as Giles moved back between his legs, and pushed up his knees. Xander curled up to kiss him again with sweet soft lips, and he slid home, into perfect tight heat. This time Xander's arms were free to pull him down, to wrap around Giles' shoulders, and this time Xander's legs could wrap around Giles' hips, and that was what he wanted. He rocked, cradled in Xander, tender hands moving over his back, sliding through his hair. Loving.

Wide brown eyes held Giles', unafraid. Dear god, he was beautiful. A wave of tenderness left Giles paralysed. He'd felt nothing like this for him before. He'd desired the boy a good while now but he hadn't felt this. It hurt to breathe. He couldn't trust the rest of the world but he had these three. Buffy and Willow and Xander. They loved him. He'd never let anything happen to them.

He kissed Xander again, on his mouth and his temple and his cheek, his mouth again because he couldn't resist that, Xander's taste and his slow, sure tongue and the shape of his teeth. He ached with it. Xander welcomed all of it, every reservation forgotten. His hands were stroking Giles' back, rubbing through the hair at the nape of his neck, every touch delicate, protective, tender. Clasping Giles within his body and caressing him without, and Giles had told him, "I'm in love with you," before he'd summoned the thought.

Xander froze. Giles pressed deeper, swept up in the rush of letting the words loose, wanting to laugh and fuck and make love and be in love.

Xander pressed his chest, pushing him up to stare at him, and Giles said it again. "I'm in love with you." He was. He kissed him hard, and whispered it in his ear, and kissed him again. His head was spinning with the passion and his hips were pushing, wanting to tunnel all the way home. Xander was home, and Giles was in love with him, and he couldn't see why he'd never seen it earlier.

He reached between them to touch Xander's cock, and his cry was like a drug. Thick hot flesh on his palm and Xander responding with his entire body to every touch, with his spine arching and his heels digging into Giles' thighs and his fingers clawing Giles back and his mouth giving the neediest, hungriest sounds into Giles' ear.

Giles worked him hard, wanting to feel the squeeze of Xander's completion. He watched his face, the desperation as Xander was dragged closer and closer to the precipice, and he loved him for it, loved the shift before he gasped, the way his fingers sank into Giles' shoulders to keep him still as he clamped down on Giles' cock and he couldn't stay still, could barely move but he was trying, wanting every twist and shudder, every tremor wracking through him, the highest moment of Giles' life and he wanted it to last forever.

At some point, they separated. At some point, the girls had finished, as well. Giles was lying on his back, Buffy's head on his chest, her hair tickling his throat. Willow was curled up behind her, hand reaching over to link with Giles'. If only they could sleep this way every night. Xander was about... behind him, gathering up the evidence.

"We'll get it later," Giles murmured.

"I've got it," Xander said quietly. "Maybe we should get dressed." He glanced towards the stairs.


"But what if-"

"Later." Giles gave Buffy a squeeze, just enough for a little 'mph' from her. He could hardly extract himself from this wonderful little nest. He stretched out his other arm. "There's space for you."

Xander smiled a little, eyes dropping shyly away, and scratched his hair. "I'll just... get rid of this."

Giles was nearly gone, when he felt warmth settle over him. The blanket from the couch. And the girls shuffling closer, as Xander tucked himself behind them.


If you enjoyed this, and you'd like to read a post-Adam foursome with, um, whatsitcalled, oh yeah, 'plot development' and 'story', then I heartily rec antennapedia's Four nights and a revelation If you know of any others, (or any coursome foursomes) I'd love to be pointed in that direction.

I adore feedback, whether it's brief or detailed, and crit is totally welcome. A little caveat, though: I'm currently in a (good) life situation which makes finding time to brush my teeth difficult, let alone such things as happily chattering away about my fics. So I will treasure feedback and I will reply to it, but I will be *very* slow. Please forgive. :-)

Thanks for reading,
Dr Squidlove.

buffyfic, foursome

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