What possessed me to post? I've no idea. I have completely lost the ability to think creatively, or to string two words together without having to resort to "um".
Still slaving away as resident, now (ahem) "senior". So laughable to me, so not to patients and their parents. Behind me lie the disgusting months known as "night float" (work every night! from 8 PM to 8 AM! and never see your loved ones!), "ward senior" (here, take some interns, med students and teach them while caring for fifty million children) and the self-explanatory emergency room.
Up ahead, more NICU, more ER and Pediatric Surgery/PICU. And then the year is over and there is only one left! Well, one left of residency and then three more of fellowship. I truly want to be a perpetual student, working for minimal pay and respect for the rest of my life. Sigh.
Y'all (see! I can pretend to be American) missed out on my fellowship angst (well,
brinshannara didn't). But it is now official - I will be specializing in pediatric infectious diseases. Bloody scary, if you ask me. That my life is so decided I mean. Not infectious diseases, per se. Although they can be.
And now, a meme to ease me back into this whole posting thing.
Name 4 books on your bookshelf:
Decided to randomly pick a shelf and choose my favourites. Clearly there is no organization to my bookshelves.
1. Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
2. Beowulf - Seamus Heaney
3. The Grim Grotto - Lemony Snicket
4. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay - Michael Chabon
Name 4 DVDs/Videos (boxsets count as one) in your collection:
These are actually the only DVDs I own.
1. Chicago
2. Rushmore
3. Bend it Like Beckham
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Name 4 things on your walls:
1. A watercolour of a beach in Nova Scotia dear to my heart
2. A Klee reproduction. From Ikea.
3. A plate from the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul
4. A woven hanging from Peru.
Name 4 things in your closet:
Oh so many things!!
1. A lovely brown and cream herringbone tweed coat.
2. A cashmere lilac turtleneck
3. My wedding veil
4. Many silk dresses and skirts
Name 4 songs in your music collection:
1. Pati Pata - Miriam Makeba
2. Aguas de Marco - Antonio Carlos Jobim
3. Fake Plastic Trees - Radiohead
4. When the Ship Comes In - Bob Dylan
Name 4 real life stores you shop at regularly:
1. Trader Joe's
2. Whole Foods
3. CVS (so many things you can get there!)
4. The Runcible Spoon (I just like this store, but can't really afford anything there)
Name 4 online groups/communities that you're involved with:
1. British Expats.
2. Does LiveJournal count?
3. AuntMinnie (on my husband's behalf).
4. Really, nothing else.
Name 4 real life groups/communities that you're involved with:
1. American Academy of Pediatrics
2. Liberian refugee clinic at my hospital
3. American Medical Association
4. Book club of my residency
Name 4 animals that you've come face-to-face with in real life:
1. Chinchilla
2. Camel
3. Vicious deer (in Berkeley, California; I swear they'll charge you and do harm)
4. Turtle
Name 4 things in your wallet/purse:
1. Driver's license
2. Employment authorization card
3. Medical license (a totally fake-looking plastic card with a dolphin on it that has my name and license number on it in faux-childlike writing)
4. Bank card