May 27, 2007 22:33
i think the heats tiring me out...haha
family vaca...not too fun for the most part
but my cousin jackies the coolest ever so she saved it
york beach was allright...
except for the part where i locked my keys in my trunk
and jackie was sick...and baa
finally got ta meet jackies friend rose...shes pretty awesome
colins room was really gross...and we cleaned it...and by we i mean jackie
then the three of us girls saw pirates 3...i thought it was pretty good...def better than the second one
hung out with mandaface friday!
got some ice cream at the sweet shoppe and saw shanna
then hung out in her room
pretty much my fave
then i worked a finale...and michele didnt know i was there till i punched out...haha
then a certain loserface texted me at 2 in the am...i didnt fall back asleep till like 5 in the am...o well...the texting was amusing
sat...i was a bum...but not really
went ta lunch with jackie and our aunt darcey and tara
my aunt darcey was the first to somethin for once...haha
and this dumbass stoped his car in the middle of the intersection at washington street and main street...i had ta beep at him a bajillion times before he moved...hoebag
me and ryan went ta take pics of parking lots and didnt even get out of the was way too hott and we were way too lazy
then i went ta friendlys with shanna and cream is good...
and me and shanna sat in her car for like an hour talkin after...i love talkin to her...
today...i had a dream that amanda called me and was freakin out about somethin...but she wasnt
then i worked as second assisstant
and i got my ipod fixed then talked to my lover named amanda for real
im just bored and babbling...cuz my remote went flyin this morning...and im too lazy to find it...
i called carta a jerkface cuz i havent talked ta him i think me and amanda are goin swimmin at his house tomorrow after we get some pilot house...and abby will probs come along cuz that would be cool...cuz theyre my fave twins...
im gonna stop the babbling...and fidn my remote...or read some freakin harry potter...adios