
May 14, 2009 12:29

Work has been extremely hectic recently. My boss told all the hourly workers that they could not get overtime unless it is approved by him. I get paid a salary so I figured this wouldn't affect me but I was wrong. Instead of letting the hourly guys work overtime, my boss is making the salary guys work overtime. When I turned in my time for last week I had 62 hours of reported time. One of those days last week I worked from 8:00AM until 10:30PM. This week has been better but it is Thursday afternoon and I all ready have 40 hours in plus I have to work tomorrow. I'm trying to talk my boss into giving me tomorrow off but we have other things going on that I have to be in the office for.

Working that much, plus taking care of my house, and trying to have a social life is very tiring and stressful. My boss has figured out a way to get a day or two of free labor from me every week and to a small business owner free labor is more addictive than crack or heroin.

Back in January 2009 the company I work for moved into a new office. It has a lot more space and is in a very nice part of Charlotte. We are subleasing the office space from Shea Homes. We found out Monday morning that Shea Homes has defaulted on their mortgage and is getting evicted. That means we are out too. The group taking over our office space is GMAC and they are moving in Wednesday, March 20. We got less than a 2 weeks notice that we have to vacate the building and find new office space. My boss has located some office space in the building right next to where we are currently located. The space is much smaller and I will not have an office with a window anymore. The lease there is only for 18 months so we will be moving again in a year and a half.

Tomorrow, after work, I'm driving to Chapel Hill to see MC Chris play at the Cat's Cradle. The show starts at 9:00PM and there are 2 opening bands. That means MC will probably get on stage around 11:30 and the concert will be done around 1:00AM. After the concert I have 2 choices. I can either drive to my brothers house which is an hour away on the other side of Raleigh or drive back to Belmont which is about 2 and a half hours away. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Either choice is going to make for a long night but if I drive back to Belmont, I won't have to drive home the next day.

There are a couple reasons I want to drive home after the concert. One reason is that the GeribaldiFest is going on in Belmont on Saturday. It is usually a good time. There are food vendors and people selling arts and crafts. We go every year and make the rounds.

The other reason I want to drive home after the concert is the Toledo Mudhens are playing the Charlotte Knights on Saturday night. Lara and I are going to the game along with a couple other Toledo people that I know down here. It should be a good time as long as it doesn't get rained out. Lara recently got me a new Mudhens hat to wear for the game. I'm hoping that my sister and her family can make it to the game. That way we would have a decent crowd to cheer on the Hens.
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