Bad Day

Oct 25, 2005 16:33

Yeah, so today's the day of silence thing for the Campus Pro-Lifers. And I'm participating. That being said, today's been really crappy.

Evidently a lot of people are pissed off about us holding a day of silence. The fact that the concept of not speaking to honor a cause has been around since the birth of monasticism evidently doesn't matter. They claim that we're dishonoring the concept of a day of silence. Its supposed to be for hate crimes or something. I'm sorry but I see no reason why our choice to not speak in remembrance of all the babies who have died through abortion is any sort of infringement on your freedom of speech.

This isn't the first problem that we've had. Earlier this week, when some of the people organizing this protest were putting up fliers on campus, a right that Knox grants to ALL its students, other students were going around and pulling them down immediately after they were put up. I'm sorry but that is just rude. And they didn't just do it once, or behind their backs either. When one of our girls was putting the fliers up, some people just walked right up and tore it down in front of her, as she was putting them up.

Thats not the only example I have of passive aggressive behavior against pro-lifers at this school. During one of my classes there was a girl, who I won't name, who was blatantly rude to me during my class today. The professor kept egging her on. Yes I have witnesses.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people disagreeing with me. Especially on this issue. There are some parts of the issue I sometimes disagree with myself on it. But this is a peaceful protest in mourning for dead children, at least do others the courtesy of being polite. You wanna disagree, thats fine... you wanna disagree and don't wanna talk about it, thats also fine... but its no reason to be rude. Yes I know, that just because I exercise my freedom of speech doesn't mean you have to listen to me. But not listening, and insulting are two totally different things.

In slightly happier news, several people at lunch today had a pretty good idea. Make a third option, regardless on your stance between for or against abortion. "Pro-child" focuses on remedying the underlying issue of the debate. We advocate education, and the promulgation of other options. Teach women about ways to not get pregnant, and about her full array of options, in the instance of an unwanted pregnancy. In theory, this would help get rid of the debate, rather than either leave us with a bio-mass of aborted fetuses or coat-hanger abortions that the full extent of either camp would entail.
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