May 21, 2006 23:32
Mourning the Death of an Old Friend - It was about a week ago when an old friend of mine passed on, into the next world. She had been with me for over six years as I lived in three different cities. She always worked hard for me and made my life infinately better in so many ways. Her death came slowly and painfully. In the beginning she started developing minor sympotoms, steadily growing into much larger symptoms. "Fight! Fight!" I encouraged her, "Do not go gentle into that good night!" Finally her body just couldn't take it any more. Of course, I was very concerned for her welbeing. I called all the all the experts I could think of. There was the automated computerized voice that told me to power cycle her. There was the Indian guru, Habib (or whatever the hell his name was), whose accent was entirely unitelligable and probably contained great wisdom. Then again, probably not, as I am pretty sure he was reading of a script. Finally I found an actual live, competant, and understandable person who spent a good hour and a half with me trying to save her. But in the end it was for naught. In the end my Motorola SurfBoard SB2100 cable modem passed away.
Truely, the death of the SB2100 came as a blow to me. I can't help but be more then a little sad. Words just cannot describe the relationship between myself and that cable modem. When all was said and done, I made sure it had as proper a funeral as I could perform. As I reflect on it, I realize that the SB2100 lead a rightous and good life. Surely, the SB2100 has earned its wings and now sits in eternal paradise.
SB2100, you will be missed.
With death comes rebirth. And so it is with cable modems. I am pleased to announce the arrival of the Motorola Surfboard SB5120 cable modem into my life.
(Crossposted to MySpace)