Oct 11, 2007 20:28
So my live journal says its been 30 weeks since I posted. That's insane. Like I haven't posted since I first found out I was pregnant and now i'm like almost 36 weeks and heading towards the last few weeks until delivery :-O crazy times.
Well things have been going that's for sure. Ben and I moved to a house in Grand Rapids. We are just renting because of some VERY frustrating news we found out about my loans and junk. too much to go into right now. But the house we are renting is 3 bedrooms with a basement that has a game room and a HUGE backyard. It really is a blessing for us to be here. The baby's room I painted bright green and it is so cute :-D
We found out that we are having a girl. Its been a long battle over what to name her but we finally settled on Jovie Eleanor Hammerstrom. Jovie is the first name we both agreed on and Eleanor is after my Great-Grandma. Jovie is also the name of the chick from Elf ;) We decided that might it cooler lol.
The pregnancy has been going okay I guess. I had 11 weeks + of complete all day every day sickness and was losing so much weight that they put me on an anti-nausea medicine. After that little fun time was over there was a period where everything was going really well. Then I hit 7 months and everything went down hill...The baby wouldn't switch from being breech, she was crushing a nerve in my back and I had to go to physical therapy, all of a sudden my asthma got REALLY bad and they had to put me on yet another med for it (that makes 3), they found out I was anemic so I had to get on an iron supplement, and got a TON of stretch marks. This all happened within like a week so it was a crazy time. Now that i'm on my new asthma medicine that has gotten better. My iron seems to be going up to an okay level. The physical therapy helped and my nerve in my back is fine. The baby switch to being head down so now that's all good. Things are going better now! The only issue now is that I get really short of breath cuz my lungs are smooshed :-P Oh and i'm SOOOOOO freaking tired. I'm ready for maternity leave (2 weeks) I really am!!!
In between all this we bought a dog- and American bulldog. He is absolutely adorable, but after having him for only a few months we have to sell him :( I have become really allergic to him now that he is shedding and its making things really hard. Just in case the baby has allergies/asthma too, we dont want to take any chances so we are selling him. Its sad, but people come before humans!!
so right now its just the waiting game. I'm so ready to be done being pregnant and have my body back to myself. I want to meet Jovie and hold her :) Hopefully soon my next update will be about her birth ;)