I usually don't have time to look at computer games, but these look really cool! I haven't tried them yet. What do you think? Can you recommend other excellent business and medical simulators?
Abandonia is an excellent site full of "abandonware."
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Do sales/marketing:
Join the U.S. Army and participate in virtual missions (very cool!)
COTS Health-Related Games
There have been many commercial-off-the-shelf games with health-related themes. (Not all of these are still available.)
They include: Laser Surgeon, Life and Death I and II, Microsurgeon, Virtual Surgeon, Combat Medic, Theme Hospital, Sim Health, Epidemic, Microcosm, Alter Ego, Mind Mirror, Emergency Room, Emergency, and Emergency EMT.
Medical simulators
SimQuest® is dedicated to providing technology-led education and training that fosters improved quality of medical care and increased patient safety. The Company offers value-added integration, with custom solutions that match specific end-user needs. Our goal: to provide healthcare professionals with tools to develop and perfect their skills without risk to patients. This approach, coupled with SimQuest's focus on task analysis, technology evaluation, engineering design, and systems integration, produces simulators proven to be medically relevant and educationally sound.
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