
Apr 04, 2004 15:03

So it is mid-sunday, and I've just finished watching the making of feature on the 2nd season of 24. What a killer killer show. The first episode missed a beat with me, but since the second hour this season has been far more intense than the second. But what the hell, they couldnt have just wrapped up the ending, Palmer passed out because he had a hairy palm, jack is having heart palpatations (sp?) and he didnt get any ass from hot kate warner, and no one has put kim out of her misery yet. I was sooo happy when Mrs Palmer got shanked by the audio nerd, but she didnt die damnit. Good season. But now I have wasted half the day with sleeping, and cleaning, and homework is looming over me, should i watch an episode of Batman the Animated series (freshly downloaded) or should I hit the books. These are the exciting decisions to make in this dull town.
I was working yesterday, which was a hellish whirlwind of a day, and realized that canton is striving so hard to be a medium/bigger city, but it just has no class. There are no parts of town that are "downtownish" that one could walk around at midnight and feel any kind of safe. North canton comes close, but its ban on alchohol in their city limits, really dampens night life, everything closes at 10. The few bars that are around are packed with people who are loud, arrogant, and annoying, the only place ive seen that is laid back is some place like kraus's pizza, and that place is a shit hole where old men hang out. Itd be nice to have a bar/coffeshop whatever, with a layed back atmosphere for younger people. I know not all of us 20somethings like the meatgrinding, asshole infested club/bars around here. And so were forced to go to commercialized restaurants that overcharge and underserve. The only place I really feel comfortable hanging out at is the movie theatre, but even so, on big release nights and whatnot, the assholes fill there too, with their cellphones and loud talking and bullshit. Just a few weeks ago when me and Puzzleball went to see dawn of the dead, the guy sittng next to us' cellphone rang, and he answered it and proceeded to have a 5 min conversation, in the theatre, while we were watching the movie. Bullshit. This town needs an injection of class. Something needs to change so people realize its not cool to go out in sweatpants and walk around witha spitting cup to spit ur chew into.
but now i have homework to do, and miles to go before i sleep...
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