Jan 27, 2004 21:45

OMG I GOT AN OSCAR NOD!!!!11 I really think I should win because Sean Penn really isn't as cute as I am. Who cares if he's like a better actor? Doesn't his own country hate him? You Americans. I had to work real hard on that accent. Let me tell you people it's hard sounding so retarded when you sound as posh and stuck up as I do.

So like Sienna will be my date even though I'm like in a real relationship with Drew and all!!!! OMFG FINALLY HUH. I love her I guess but I don't like being seen in public with her I mean it's hot to have a secret life and shit. Some people might say it's out of embarrassment or whatever but let me just say this: no comment, fuckers.

I told Jonny to fuck off. I guess I feel bad about hurting him but not really. I mean only my feelings count right? Who gives a fuck about other people? I sure don't! HEE! Anyway it doesn't matter because now he's with some girl who plays a fake lesbian. Haha I hope she fucks him over too it'd be three times in a row! What a loser. Just kidding JOnny you know I love you you make my paper heart bleed. :'(

Sadie's such a crazy bitch did you hear about how she was hanging out of her dress and didn't even know it? Sort of makes me wonder why I left her. She's being all wild and crazy and there was a rumour that I bitched her out for being, like, a bad mother and shit but come on people!!1 Do you really believe that? I mean hellooooo pot calling kettle black! HEE! I love midlife crisises they totally give you the best alibi ever. Oh wellz you win some you lose some.
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