Apr 28, 2007 01:21
i wish people could really say their honest opinion all the time without negative consequences.
i understand why people can get upset, but i don't understand why people make it personal.
if i say a song you like sucks, or if i say a song that you hate is good, why take it as an attack?
surely you don't think that everyone in the world holds the same taste and opinion you do.
and surely you don't expect that all the people with different tastes and opinions than yours just coincedently happen to be strangers.
it shouldn't be wrong for friends to hold differing views, and i'd think it is far worse to lie stretch or omit the truth just to save a clash of opinion.
no-one learns anything if we all pretend to be the type of people we think others would like us to be. if i say i don't like something, or i think something was wrong, or a mistake, or was bad, or whatever, it's my opinion, it's not a judgement.
life is too short to filter everything through anti-offending mind sets before you let it out.