korean lizard beasts on a calm sunday morning

Apr 04, 2004 01:24

it has becoime stikingly apparent to me that korea is not a real place. we are told false tales about north korea and south korea constantly fighting to hide the fact that mighty lizards are battleing for control of monster island. this next mega amount of info is a entry i would put onto a type writer instead of my livejournal but its dumb and hard to have to find a typewriter here is the information/typewriter entry. :for those of us knowledged enough to know these things are few and far

between. only a small precentage of humanity has the esoteric compilation of conpresed memery data to interigate the basic make up of the universe. the wave like biuld up in an atomic bomb changing the air around it into nuclear super powerfed toxins unreasonbla. these thing can not be, so they must, this is upurtunistic to say the least it is simply not possible that this universe could be created by a god mabye there was!!! a god but he would have died spearding himself around the universe creating us we are gods blood and lamb chops only the powerful will survive the rest will coagilate like rotten demon filth. uncharted lands cause problems for new travelers the rock is not tread the leaves not brushed your natural scent trails behing you not yet strong in this new wind. i realized that most of humanities past cultures have believed in fire and such as the main source of religious icon. it has not been noticed yet but the uni-god theory is still a living fire tail but most people do not read into it like that as it would look bad on thier records poor bill johnsen never got his job at the daily planet then like the rebirth of christ he was struck struck by lightning and became Walter croncatron!!!! this last line is a cut for a future episode of i hate you people which proves you can pull something from future into the past as long as its in your head if i did not tell the persons reaeding this that i was going to give it to skyler it could be
believed that we did not discuss the affair that we simple came up with the idea at the same time its all about memory elephants never forget that why thier so big...cause they are stuffed full of memory. if my face cafe cronkite scrontol is stronger than butter if you glue down coutries everntully the sun and sweat will were down thier tired souls and the glue used to hold them down will melt away like slowly fading fog revolution will cover the land most will fight few will return home with the lack of public schools childrens iq to physical connection with the soul will escalate at a cruchy pasted cheeze pizaa rate of time to mouth burn in other words very very fast, this will allow for massive collections of toasters and bagel juice from the fallen burger joint no longer usefull to the public. only macaroni and pizza will control the market aluminum foil will make a pact with satan to rule the western hemishere. only time will extrapalait multiple ending from this but as humanity travels through out the paralel universes we will only encouter one outcome all the rest will be wiped away like the distracting wip of a windshield wiper.

marry my mouth and soul the tax break is what were reaching for if
marriage is truelly a matter of love then why would you need the state to accept you as well as the church to say that god has 'allowed' this meeting if you truely love someone dont get married, it will not solve problems marriage is not a new step it is steping back taking a leap faith with only gravity to guide you backwards into the unknown of the past, animals keep couples to tend to thier babies humanity does not need to have marriage the coyote did not ask the moon to be his minister his mate did not have hassleing parents to stand in the way of relations we are animal but like the lemming we will jump one by one off the cliff as the spring sun graces the horizen we will not survive.
-these facts i hold to be true.

-[]-the writer-[]-

this i falsified cognative info much like tapioca. Dr.RaoulDuke
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